Average rating3.3
My word. If his name wasn't on the cover in big, bold letters, I wouldn't have known that Crichton co-wrote this. Not that I think he did, to be very honest. I believe that the idea may be his, but the writing is someone else's entirely. The characters are really unlikeable and one-dimensional to the point of being caricatures even if the premise is kinda intriguing. However, there's too much suspension of disbelief going on here - I have a hard time believing that the science is anywhere near realistic!
I wrote a more detailed review for a newspaper: http://www.thestar.com.my/story/?file=/2012/3/13/lifebookshelf/10688357&sec=lifebookshelf
Downright gruesome, don't eat while listening! As usual for Michael Crichton's books, this is chock full of science facts weaved in with something sinister.
Due to the number of scientists involved, the story gets bogged down at the start, when each is being introduced along with their area of expertise. The storyline bogs down every now and again for the authors to dive into something going on at that moment. Thankfully it's usually short-lived and movement picks back up again.
Posto che i libri di Crichton si leggono sempre che è un piacere, questo l'ho trovato un gradino sotto agli altri. Troppo simile a Jurassic Park, manca un po' di originalità. Non male, ma neanche troppo bene. Comunque sempre molto scorrevole.
Embarrassing example of what happens when good writers are paid to adapt material that isn't their own at a pace that isn't conducive to good work. Micro is rushed, messy, flat, and boring — which is a tragic set of adjectives to use for a book that draws even the slightest amount of content from Michael Crichton.