Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Vol. 11
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Vol. 11
Average rating4.5
Man, they don't really give the Power Rangers a break.
Necessary Evil is a brand new story about Lord Zedd return and his ambition to invade the Earth while our friendly Power Rangers are struggling to find the chemistry between the new faces and the OG's that made a rift in their bond as a team.
A great prologue for a great event, Dayne is really showing his fang as the first major antagonist of this chapter and what he did is very good by challenging every rangers from their own weaknesses and striking it in both fronts.
The art is stunning and what can i say besides read this book?
Just gonna pause a moment to let you absorb how awesome the Omega Rangers' costumes are.
Volume 11 is post-Shattered Grid/Beyond the Grid and the beginning of the Necessary Evil arc. I was on the fence-to-disappointed in Shattered Grid/Beyond the Grid for pacing and an over-reliance on fanservice reasons, so I went into Volume 11 with a good degree of caution. Unwarranted caution, because I already like where things are headed.
The team has split into the Power Rangers still doing their Power Ranger thing in Angel Grove and the Omega Rangers stationed at Safehaven, and already tensions are building between the two groups because of the necessary distance between them. While the Power Rangers are getting used to their new members, teaching them the ropes, and causing strife amongst themselves, the Omega Rangers are gathering up people who were “infected” with power post-Shattered Grid and containing them “for their own safety” based on the direction of Xi (their Zordon). If this sounds a little dystopian, well, it does to me as well, and I think the Omega Rangers are feeling the vibe that something's not quite right. We'll see how this plays out. The Power Rangers, meanwhile, are dealing with a “new” threat that may be more than they can handle by themselves.
I really liked this volume! I feel like it's returning to what I like best about Power Rangers while also introducing new concepts that haven't been explored in the show. Can't wait to pick up volume 12!