Average rating4.5
Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite place (an armchair, a sofa, whatever). Imagine the temperature at just the right degree that you love, and you are wearing the most comfortable clothes ever, feeling contented and cozy. Sipping your favorite drink, just allowing your mind to drift into thoughts that make you feel good.
That's what reading this book is like. Fair warning that yes, it can be slow, but it's the kind of deliberate slowness that makes you savor it like a hot chocolate on a chilly morning. There were times when I had tears sliding down my face when reading about the realizations that the characters had, feeling a quiet pain in my heart in acknowledgment.
I know I can be pretty harsh when I rate/review books, especially ones that disappoint me greatly because in that moment of emotion I feel betrayed and foolish for wasting my time. But when I do come across a book that gets my cold, bitter heart feeling a rush of warmth, I pay attention.
This is a character-driven story through and through. You won't go on an adventure, nor will you fight enemies or save the world. But that's not what this book is about. If you're willing to read a character study and allow yourself to let go of expectations for a plot-driven story, then you will be in the right mindset to read this book.
Bare in mind that I was quite ill when I read this book. I had a cold, hadn't been sleeping well and wound up with a migraine. That being said, this book made me weep. (Though my emotions are always closer to the surface when I'm not sleeping well.) I mean, there's absolutely nothing that hits me in the feels stronger than a solid friendship. And these two certainly have one - and maybe more? I mean, I'm still having a time deciding what to call their relationship. Sure, it's a friendship - but it is so much more than just that. Calling them lovers isn't right either because, while they love each other deeply, it's not a physical love. (Getting myself geared up for what is sure to be quite a read, I'm planning to read the more fluffy Dreamhealers books before even starting in on Princes' Game. Let's just say, this book was a pretty suitable read for me at the time.)