Mister Mom
2010 • 235 pages


Average rating4.5


Why WHy WHY?! Basically the only thing(s) that bothered me about this book are:
1) Brett...why? Why you do this to me, RL Mathewson?

The story was going along swimmingly...and then BAM.

2) Great, now I need to hit the “hide entire review because of spoilers” button. It took so LONG for Edward and/or Dana to finally make a statement against crazy, obsessive fans. I mean, really, they were only attacked/had their privacy invaded -pssh- like 5(+) times?! You'd think they'd stop to tell their fans to back the freak off a bit BEFORE someone got killed. For example, wouldn't a good time to tell people to back off be when, oh I don't know, a bunch of crazed teenage girls assaulted Dana? When they freaking tried to KICK HER STOMACH WHEN SHE WAS DOWN AND PREGNANT?! Or, how about that time another stupid possessive teenage girl BUILT AND SENT A BOMB TO DANA, HOPING TO TAKE OUT HER AND HER AND EDWARD'S UNBORN KIDS?! But nooooooo, they just basically took both of those in stride.
Yes, it is admirable they were able to continue living their lives as they usually did, but there lies the problem. And yes, it would've been likely that those aforementioned possessive crazy teenage girls wouldn't have listened and would've continued to plan their nefarious, crazy, delusional plans to get Edward for themselves. HOWEVER, if Edward and Dana had said something earlier, they could've gotten to their fans who hadn't yet fallen over the edge into their own pit of delusion.

Everything else about this book...well...let's just say...
IT WAS PERFECT, BABY. It was a work of art, portraying famous people's troubles. I, and I'm assuming many others, could already vaguely...sympathize (or maybe the word is pity?) celebrities for various things that come with their fame (for example, CRAZED FANS). But after reading this novel, I have a whole new appreciation for the celebrities who don't go out of their way to make a scene.

November 27, 2015Report this review