7 • 272 pages


Average rating4.1


Finally, one of the greatest mysteries of my life has been resolved. Namely, why I hadn't seemed to be able to get into Discworld despite everything pointing to it being entirely up my alley.

Turns out, I was just reading the wrong books as entry points into the universe, and Mort has finally rectified all of that. I cried laughing at this book and I'm now a budding fan.

Mort is your average, gangly, awkward teenage boy who just happens to have caught the eye of Death himself to become his apprentice. Unfortunately, being the reaper of souls (or at least carrying out his duties while he has his days off) isn't quite all it's cracked up to be when hormones get in the way, as they usually do with teenagers.

The irreverent humour in this book was on point and just hit the sweet spot of all that I enjoy. I laughed so much at this book that even my husband got curious about it and has since put it on his own TBR. It's such a good mixture of irreverence and philosophy.

‘And he goes around killing people?' said Mort. He shook his head. ‘There's no justice.'Death sighed. NO, he said. [...] THERE'S JUST ME.

BEGONE, YOU BLACK AND MIDNIGHT HAG, he said. [...]''Oo are you calling a midnight hag?' [the cook] said accusingly...MAY ALL THE DEMONS OF HELL REND YOUR LIVING SPIRIT FI YOU DON'T GET OUT OF THE SHOPT HIS MINUTE, Death tried.‘I don't know about that, but what about my bedwarmer...‘IF YOU WOULD CARE TO GO AWAY, said Death desperately. I WILL GIVE YOU SOME MONEY.‘How much?' said the cook, with a speed that would have outdistanced a striking rattlesnake and given lightning a nasty shock. [...]

Some jobs offer increments. This one offered - well, quite the reverse.

November 1, 2020