Average rating4.1
4.5 stars, rounding up. These last couple volumes have felt a little thin - only four issues' worth of actual story, padded out with Ms. Marvel appearances in other comics. The story here is excellent, though, and I adore Alphona's art. Kamala's conversation with her mom made me tear up.
StoryI found the first two volumes of this series decent, but nothing really special. I haven't been interested in reading superhero comics since I was in high school. There is plenty of comic book stories on TV and at the movies these days for me to get my fill.I mainly picked this series up because of my love for Ms. Wilson's [b:Alif the Unseen 13239822 Alif the Unseen G. Willow Wilson https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1325543155s/13239822.jpg 18330291]. I've really enjoyed the last two volumes though.I loved her characters from the start, especially Kamala, but I kind of find origin stories boring at this point. Finally the story has moved enough past that and getting into something more interesting with the Inhumans. I think my favorite part of this series is how Kamala gets so excited when meeting and teaming up with other Superheroes.Spider-Man was my favorite comic growing up, but two decades away from the comics and several bad movies later and I don't have the affection I once did. I enjoyed the team-up story alright, but I'd have preferred more issues of her main story instead.Overall this was another solid entry in the series, and I'm looking forward to volume 5.ArtworkThe artwork on both the main story and the Spider-Man stuff was pretty good. It appears that Adrian Alphona is back to doing the art. I'm not sure what happened over the last few volumes, but it's nice to have some consistency.
I think I actually read this last year and apparently never put it in GoodReads? But for the record.....it was great and I love Kamala 4eva
I thought Vol 4 was the best of the four, although vol 1 was a close second. The art was better. The story was way better. There was good story around why Ms Marvel does what she does and how she thinks about being a hero. Good stories need good understanding of the motivation.