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Murder on the Ghost Walk

Murder on the Ghost Walk



Average rating3


There were things I loved about this book and things I didn't love. I didn't love how many dislikable characters there were. I didn't like that her sister was dislikable and then said one nice thing and we were supposed to forgive her. The solution seemed to almost come of left field, but in some ways it made sense. I really wanted some of the other characters to be the murderer. I didn't love some of the details about the murdered couple. It just seemed like it was there for shock value. I love how honest Ashley was about being emotional. I didn't love how emotional she was though. There were definitely times that her emotions seemed reasonable. It was refreshing to see anger that made sense and words that were realistic. I did love how the family mystery was wrapped up in this book too. I loved the setting, but they had to have visited every restaurant in a tri-county area! I liked how Ashley got her information. It was very realistic.
So the emotions and actions were realistic, but the solution and the characters were questionable.

April 14, 2020