My Darling Girl

My Darling Girl



Average rating3.6


Rating: 2.25 leaves out of 5-Characters: 2/5 -Cover: 3/5-Story: 1/5-Writing: 4/5Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Contemporary-Horror: 1/5-Mystery: 1/5-Thriller: 3/5-Contemporary : 3/5 Type: EbookWorth?: MehHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked Loved FavoritedWant to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.I have never been so disappointed in any one of Jennifer's books like I did this on. WOW. Just... fucking wow. The main character is so.... horribly written. I understand where Jennifer was coming from. I understood what she wanted to do but how she wrote it was so poorly done. Everything was so badly placed. Besides that the story was good, had good potential to be better but uhm that ending had me.

August 1, 2023Report this review