Average rating4
I found out I was going l be blessed with a copy of Long Time Gone, the second in the series of the Cimarron Legacy so I knew I needed to jump in on reading No Way Up. I have fallen behind in reading my Mary Connealy backlist so there was no time like the present to jump in. At first I downloaded the prequel eNovella freebie to my Kindle and got a little backstory introduction with a delightful romance. Then I dove right into reading No Way Up.
Oh what suspense! Oh the romance! Oh the plot thickens and the story builds for the next installment!! While the story stands alone and wraps to a decent pause, I was left thirsty for the next bit in the prose. I “needed” to know.
As always, Mary doesn't disappoint and the full cast of characters had me captivated and sensitive to their needs, hopes, dreams, and situations. The history and setting had me enjoying the research and atmosphere and I just knew that each chapter would be as good as the last.
At the end of reading No Way Up, around three I might add, I didn't waste much time getting myself started into Lone Time Gone.
This book was provided for review thanks to Bethany House and NetGalley. All review thoughts are truth and my own, no positive guarantee.
A fun story with a strong thread of mystery and humor running throughout. I read the novella already and was acquainted with the history of the ranch, so it was enjoyable to read through the next generation's lives. Sadie is a spunky and likable heroine, and her brothers are quite the pair.
The hero is Heath Kincaid—yes, the kid brother to the Kincaids of the Kincaid brides series. You'll have a much bigger appreciation for his background in this story if you have read some of that series, as there are references to things like Julia's cave and other tidbits.
I really enjoyed the story and am eager to carry on with the series. I must mention how much I love the cover as well!