Average rating3.7
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For 2019, I want to do something different with my book reviews. They are now going to be short Pro/Con lists to help organize my thoughts but also give insight into the book.
- Monsters, Monsters, and more Monsters, there were a bunch of different monsters we heard about and I really hope as the series continues we get to meet more of them, I also kind of wish we got a glossary of the different types and what they do.
- Setting, this book takes place in South America, in a jungle village black market. I appreciated that it was this remote place where the black market existed.
- Worldbuilding, I really struggled to visualize this book. The descriptions were lacking. The story was great but the lack of being able to see what was happening was a major let down for me.
- Instalove, I hesitate to call it instalove but Kovit and Nita have this immediate connection that irked me. It becomes this almost captor and captee relationship. I know we still have story to go but I could not help but question where Schaeffer is going with this.
I finished this book in one day! I could not stop turning the pages. The were twists and turns and the prose was weirdly compelling. I will definitely be looking up the sequel. I liked the way the character rationalizes actions and consciously has to consider her moral code. I think I mainly have two complaints: The MC is way too willing to switch sides/ allegiances. To the point where switching allegiances is no longer shocking. I also felt like Nita's personality/ passions could have been slightly more expanded. I felt like she had her dissections and Disney music and not much else. If she had shown more interest in food like is teased in the beginning or had mentioned she enjoyed singing with the Disney music etc. she would have felt little but more well rounded.
CAWPILECharactersNita Likes to dissect people. Very straightforward. Can change her body. Little bit soft on what she can/can't do.Kovit made rules for himself don't hurt friends/family, no one under 15,no sexual pain, othersReyesBoulder-creep but not really scary Mirella does turn into a pink dolphin with water. Night market is too loosey goosey with their “wares”AtmosphereWe spend most of the book in a cage of some sort, so it did that well, but I never really felt like they were in a ton of danger. WritingThe villains felt mostly incompentant and the market of death not like a big threatPlotGood plot. Nita thinking she had been sold by her mother, because she disobeyed her mother and let Fabricio free, when it was Fabricio that sold her. While at the market of death she attempts to escape. Makes a deal with Kovit and they work together, then get captured by boulder escape and burn down the death market. Then she goes to INHUPInvestmentWanted to see how Nita would change/grow whether to become a better person or a worse person. Was glad to see that Kovit has rules for how he enjoys pain, LogicZannie's have to be the worst business partners though because they can't not eat pain. So it's less like eating and more like something else. Because they don't have a choice of whether to accept it. Plus I don't get high when I eat food. As with anything else, why would eating somebody give you their abilities unless you already take the effects of things you eat. But people are dumb and willing to try the stupidest things.EnjoymentAn enjoyable read, but felt pretty averageMiscThe twist that it was Fabricio that betrayed her was pretty goodThe vampire wants her and her mom. Her dad is dead.Nita and Kovit team up later. Am excited for that
I will be talking about it on Libromancy https://libromancy.podbean.com/
I have received a copy of this book through a giveaway hosted by the publisher. This has not affected my rating or review in any way.
Gruesome and perfect for Spooktober. Will definitely continue this series, especially with the way it ended!