Average rating4.3
In impressive amount of detail and research on the exact series of events and locations of things. Ultimately the story has only surface level intrigue and the level of detail is what's captivating, or it requires you to separately imagine yourself in various scenarios. Sort of a weird mix of fiction and non-fiction. 1/3rd of the book is footnotes and citations, so a relatively quick read.
Really terrifying ... I'm completely shacked after reading this. Wondering why all this nightmare arm race was run at first and why no one stopped this...
Apart from that the book is really well written, it's journalistic work but written with suspense and keeping it gripping. Really a good page turner.
As usual with non-fiction, the appendix part takes about one third of the book, so it's faster to read than it appears from the page count.
It's one of the most interesting books I have ever read. Only taking away a single point because there were some weird repetitions and several times the author just needs to chill a bit.
For extra anxiety points, listen to the Oppenheimer score while reading.
undeniably interesting but I cannot get past the author’s insistence on “somberly” editorializing every other paragraph. It comes off sooooo hokey. I’m reading this incredibly sobering collection of information, I don’t need you to repeat or reiterate what I’ve just read over and over. Same with the constant “this is not a drill, this is not a test flight” like yeah, I worked that out for myself thanks
“It will take a b-52 bomber roughly three hours to get within striking distance. So much can happen in three hours of nuclear war” yeah no shit