Average rating3.7
Wonderful book and fully worth the read. I've been quoting this nonstop all week
I'd give this more of a 3 1/2 stars. I don't agree with everything Jen Hatmaker says and does, but nonetheless, I really enjoyed this book. There were a few things theologically that I disagreed strongly with. It was a bit disorganized and honestly there were times I felt like the book went off in a totally random direction. I did really love Jen's outlook on her family and her faith, though. Life is messy and imperfect. This book is a great reminder that between a hard week (or year, or season), an extra glass of wine and a total emotional breakdown - there is a whole lot of grace and truth to get us back up and living again. It's a good read if you aren't looking for a “Christian book” but more a fun book by a Christian author. It won't teach you anything about faith that will change your world but it might help you get through Tuesday with a little more optimism.
Of Mess and Moxie is Jen Hatmaker's love letter to the girls - the young ones, the old ones, the ones in the middle - who are walking this journey of life in all it's joy and sadness. The girls who are nailing it and the girls who feel like they just don't measure up. The girls who have it all together and the girls who feel like they only ever fall short. The girls who feel “just medium”, who are afraid they are messing it all up and can't see how brightly they actually shine. So, really, for all of us.
This book is funny, poignant, smart, kind, honest ,affirming, and full of joy. It's like a 4-hour talk with your best friend. It is the embrace of sisterhood that all women need. Jen Hatmaker says she is forever our fangirl - well, I'm forever hers. Highly recommended.
(I received an advance copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.)