Average rating3.8
does not a review acksually , its a classic ,there are tons of reviews out there
here are my toughs
liked oliver,felt sorry 4 him that he had such a horrible lifehis mom died you know couple minutes after his birth , glad the last chapter if i'm correct was her story , who she was and ended when she died glad thsi story had a happy ending. There was no romance that i'm sir ten of.
i liked hating the badguys,LOL.
the only thing that lowered the rating ,where the many difficult words. I had a dictionary close by when i read it. Was annoying lol.
So there are my thoughts
Truyện cứ buồn buồn, một xã hội thật sự tội nghiệp và cuộc đời bất công với một cậu bé rất nhỏ tuổi. An uncomfortable but comfy read..? Chắc là do lối viết văn hay của Dickens.
‰ЫП‰ЫчYou must get up very early in the morning, to win against the Dodger.‰ЫЄ / ‰ЫчMorning!‰ЫЄ said Charley Bates; ‰Ычyou must put your boots on over-night, and have a telescope at each eye, and a opera-glass between your shoulders, if you want to come over him.‰ЫЄ‰Ыќ
‰ЫПThus, a strain of gentle music, or the rippling of water in a silent place, or the odour of a flower, or the mention of a familiar word, will sometimes call up sudden dim remembrances of scenes that never were, in this life; which vanish like a breath; which some brief memory of a happier existance, long gone by, would seem to have awakened; which no voluntary exertion of the mind can ever recall.‰Ыќ