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Olivia Lawson Techno-Shaman Series



Average rating5


I got this series because I love urban fantasy. It seemed low-budget and weird, but once I got into the first book, Shaman, Healer, Heretic I quickly changed my mind. I realized that I was reading something really good, great even, and very special. I was hooked, and devoured book after book until the end. At the end, I was hooked, it was over, and all I wanted was more.

As a pagan, I loved this series even more. Green did her homework. Many urban fantasy series name drop witches, shamans, or other paranormal creatures into their worlds. With the Techno-Shaman series, Green doesn't just write about a shaman, she weaves realistic shamanism practices into each story. Livy searches the underworld, and over-world for lost souls; she has her spirit helpers; and she understands the delicate balance that being a healer brings in a world. Green proves how worthy and how deep the work of a “real” shaman can be. Green world weaves these realistic practices in with technology and gets away with it.

Shaman, Healer, Heretic
Book one starts out like most other urban fantasy series. We're introduced to Livy, the heroine, a shaman who heals others using her shaman practices. Green builds a realistic world of LA, showing readers how a fringe healer operates. Shamans in this world use technology to interact with the various planes to do their work. There are tight rules as to how shamans operates and we're given a great book to read.

Shaman, Friend, Enemy
The world wakes up and realizes that shamanism healing powers are real. Livy is catapulted into the spotlight. She now heals the rich, along with the poor, and attempts to be a better healer. She learns more about her abilities as a lightning shaman. She also researches into ways she can cope with her past. Book two not only extended the series but took Livy's journey to a personal level, deep within her own spirit.

Shaman, Sister, Sorceress
In this book, Livy descends further into the shamanistic world by exploring a Hopi Reservation. As readers we learn more about her shaman capabilities and how the Hopi spiritual realm works. We also get exposed to a greater prophesy affecting her and those she loves. In this book, Green expands the shaman world to include other shamanistic cultures and viewpoints. It's a fun romp to see how expansive this world goes.

Shaman, Priestess, Pawn
Book three takes Livy and SK deep into the amazon forests where they attempt to seek out a old ally who might be able to temper Livy's shamanic power. The world-building in this book was exceptional.
Green takes no prisoners as she amps up the plot and tension while building a great world.

Shaman, Lover, Warrior
Livy's survived through all the challenges the world, and her foes have tossed at her. Her powers continue to grow and she's faced with her hardest challenge yet: freeing her hometown from the “Mafia”-esque Russian shamans. This was a trippy book that gave us a nice ending to this series. However, I hope that Green returns back to Livy and her world for more adventures.

September 30, 2015Report this review