Our Spoons Came from Woolworths

Our Spoons Came from Woolworths



Average rating3.3


I feel like if I just put this quote from the introduction it'll pretty well suffice: “Comyns wants to catch her readers off guard, and so charming daffiness runs right alongside frank and understated evocations of what it was like to be young, female, and crushingly poor.”

Seriously though, this book is so charming and easy to read, but what you're reading about is just heartbreaking. I loved Sophia even when she's being young and stupid. The book is sort of framed as she's telling her story to a friend, and you really feel like that friend. I loved this. I own one other Comyns, but I'll definitely be looking out for more of her. She's fabulous.

February 7, 2023Report this review