Average rating4
I'm still not sure what I read and what was the point of it but I didn't hate it. In my reading updates I said this was probably the most millennial thing I had ever read, I still stand by that, for better or worse this is so elder millennial it hurts (I say that as an elder millennial myself).
The blurb on Goodreads is a lot more accurate than the one I read before I picked up the book, it's really not about events it's about the relationships between the characters as they deal with the events.
And it's over. I have now officially finished all of the Tournament of Books 2020 shortlist. Why I saved this one for last is beyond me. It was not for me. It wasn't Call Me Zebra, but damn, it was very much like reading the phone book.
Once I got over the idea that there was going to be a plot (there wasn't really) and it wasn't going to be a study of characters (many of them lack personalities outside of a description of their preferred sexuality), and I accepted the fact that this was to be a story of ideas.....I just read it. I read through countless arrests, meetings with lawyers, a trashfire of a relationship, a suicide attempt that was just ....so unfair to a dog, and Elspeth's sort-of love life and I did not care at all. Because the ideas being explored here were not explored in a way that made any sense to ME, as the reader. I actually learned more about what this book was trying to say from reading a review about it than reading it.
I wont remember this book in a week. That's the truth.