Average rating3.5
I debated about this for a weeks before I came to a decision. It is a pretty addictive read, but overall, I don't think it was worth the hours I wasted going through it.
It is way to late to formulate an actual review and true thoughts on this book, but I will say that I loved it. It was fully of amazing comebacks, snide remarks, and great sarcasm. I basically read this book in one sitting so you know I enjoyed it.
But do not go into this trilogy expecting an amazingly written story. It is full of amazing remarks and sarcasm, but it is completely unrealistic and has many aspects that are completely not plausible. This is a good book to read when you need something quick to get through and something that is over the top and obnoxious.
I really enjoy Paper Princess. I'm re-reading it right now, and I forgot some of the little details, but there are parts that I'm waiting for. My favorite scene is the scene where Ella bails Easton out with the money in her car, and he and Reed figure out that she has been preparing to run and is ready to leave at the drop of a hat. I haven't even gotten to Ella getting a car, or where the boys start to tolerate her, which I always associate with them watching football with her. Additionally, I'm really excited to read the other books. I've only ever read the first part of the second book, and would like to get through the whole series, because I think the dynamics of the book are very interesting in general. Some of the complications of the book are not my favorite, specifically with Steve's widow. I don't like her and the whole thing with her trying to keep the money from Ella is just her being a bitch. I like the relations between people, and the complicated relationships that is caused by the fact that they are all rich assholes with too much time and money in general. The whole Steve thing in general, which I understand is a major plot point and the whole reason she is there, is wholly uncompelling to me, and I much prefer the, she's with Easton, oh now it's Daniel because the seal has been broken, but she's with Reed now, and takes her revenge on Daniel with Savannah and Valarie. This is so much more interesting than the adult drama, which just feels so real. The teenage drama just seems so unreal and wild that it feels like fiction, whereas the adult drama feels real in that they are older, more mature, and have the ability to make rational decisions.
I finished the book this morning, and the ending gets me every time. I really like how it brings a close to the current line, and I really want to start the next one because of the cliff hanger. I also want to read Fallen Heir, which I think is about Easton, who is by far my favorite character. I like that he becomes so protective of his family, and especially Ella. I like how he starts off so brazen and seems to only follow Reed and do things that are easy and fun, but it gets more complicated. While that is still the crux of his personality, it gets explain a little bit more, and it seems that Easton has some real deep issues going on, and I like how he tries to deal with it. He seems to be slowly but surely getting better, like he quite oxy, but still fucks anything that moves. He gambles, but since Ella had to bail him out, I would think he would stop, and the scare of Ella leaving will influence him.
I also think it's interesting how there is a distinct difference between Callum, Gideon, Reed, and the in group two is Easton and the twins. When Gideon is warning Ella, he specifically states that he, his dad, and Reed are poison for women. I wonder if that has to do with the ages, because both Reed and Gideon have been leaders of the brothers, and Callum the leader of the family, but it's different. I think that they all have their own issues, but I think the twins being younger eliminates them, and Easton being too much of a follower also disqualifies him from the too fucked up group. I also want to know more about the relationship between Savannah and Gideon. I'm sure it will come up in the other books, but I find it very fascinating. The only part of the book that I didn't really enjoy was the whole thing with Dinah, because it just seemed so boring.
I loved this book so much. I was hesitant to read it at first because by the blurb it didn't sound like something I'd be interested in. I'm so glad I did though because as soon as I started it, I couldn't put it down. It's a breath of fresh air after reading a few books with the same boring plot and superficial characters. The Royal family is so intriguing I just wanted to keep reading to try and figure them all out. Ella is a strong, spunky character as well. That cliffhanger though!! I have my theories as to what is happening. I can't wait until book 2 is released to see if any of them are true. I highly recommend this!
This book has too much violence, drama and sexual content to be about high school teenagers. It's like Gossip Girl on steroids. I am not usually one to read such stories. So, why did I pick this up and then continue with it???? For the same reason I binge watched Gossip Girl. This series is damn addictive. I did not want to put it down at all!!! Ella may have grown up poor with a mother who was a stripper, but is now thrust unwillingly into this world of entitled prep school kids and the Royals. But she is spunky and strong with a backbone and will not let anyone get her down. I hated Reed in the beginning and still have lots of problems with his character but the progression was good. Their relationship obviously starts off with insta-lust aggravated by teenage hormones but I still love them together. I love how Ella becomes a part of the family and they all make a great team. Easton may have his addiction issues but he is still cute and I love his semi-brotherly affection towards her. Despite all its problems, I fell in love with the book and couldn't wait to start the next one, also obviously compelled by the crazy cliffhanger.
review coming when I cool down
Fenomenaal! Super leuk boek. Leuk en vlot geschreven en je leest het zo weg! En het einde!!!!!! Én een cliffhanger én een open einde
Sam Rousseau is focused. She only has space for two in her life. One: her master's program in Wildlife Biology. Two: her dad. That's it. Imagine her surprise when she finds out that she is a long lost Duchess and with that comes a boatload of responsibilities. To make matters worse... she's falling for the prince. WTH?!
I didn't really like Sam all that much in the beginning but she grew on me as the story continued on. Like I said before, she's focused and this makes for a very no nonsense Sam. She likes to get to the point and move on and it comes off a bit abrasive. Like everything though, there's a reason for it.
Alex is attracted to this no nonsense chic that will set you straight in a heartbeat regardless of your status. It's a turn on. Eh, to each his own. This prince is a gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets. But honestly, he's so much more. He's incredibly smart, hard working, responsible, accepting and really really really patient.
Obviously there is romance in this book and it was so nice to see the love blossom between Sam and Alex but there is so much more. The book is mostly about the decisions Sam has to make about her life including living it, acceptance, and the many types of loves. It's also about acknowledging and confronting fears head on.
Suddenly Royal is a fun read that had me laughing, crying and awing all throughout. It is a Cinderella story with a twist and felt so real to me that by the end of it all I had to Google Lilaria so that I could go visit. Um, yeah, it doesn't exist. Boooo!
Suddenly Royal will be part of a series and I can't wait to be back in this world.
ARC provided by Nichole Chase via Inkslinger PR for launch.
This was recommended to me by one of the ladies at book club as one of those, “you will not believe this book”. Reading the horrible reviews on Goodreads sealed it for me. I was going to read this and see what was up. I just want to add a note here that romance is not my genre. I don't read bodice rippers or modern, uh, erotica or whatever it's calling itself.
First: the good! Yo, I really liked Ella and I loved her strong, strong voice. While I thought some of her tactics for standing up for herself were a little lame, at least she stood up for herself. I think she endeared herself to me when she went and got a job! I love scrappy, poor main characters because I identify with them.
The bad: seriously, everyone else has nailed it with the bad reviews. Yes this is crazy sexist and there are some real anti-feminist moments here, and I am NOT defending them but I found the men to be represented equally as poorly here. All of the Royals are just stereotypical of bad, “male” behavior.
So, imho, everybody is poorly written. Equally.
I highly doubt I will continue with the series but I read it and the pages turned easily enough. No harm done. The fact that I finished it says there must have been something about the storytelling I liked well enough.
DNF - PG 25
Look, I knew what I was getting myself into with this book: a straight, contemporary romance novel. Probably my least favorite genre that I still sometimes find myself trying to read. (I do, after all, know better than to even attempt to read a horror novel.)
However, I was first introduced to this story through an app called ‘Chapters' - which features something kind of a cross between romance novels and cyoa where you can romance the hot guy. Or, sometimes, the hot girl. Anyway, I played a ‘game' on there called Suddenly Royal and it wasn't until I was almost done with it that I discovered that it was adapted from a romance novel.
I loved the game. (And spent a good $20 that I shouldn't have on it.) I liked Sam, thought she was awesome and quirky and funny. I liked Alex, thought he was sweet and charming and just a genuinely nice guy.
Either I misremembered a lot, I was a lot more forgiving last year, or they changed a lot of things from the novel. Because, honestly, I can't stand these people.
Sam is always angry and a general terrible person to total strangers - except when she's lusting after the prince. Alex is...kind of a creep already. The way he leers at her is not charming at all. But he's just so hot that Sam is unwillingly drooling over him. (Side note: they do seem to have changed Sam's age, or at least the allusions to her age, making me think that she's close to ten years older than I though she was. Which, I find many things she does/says much less forgivable if she's at an age that should know better.)