Paper Towns

Paper Towns



Average rating3.5

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November 19, 2012
March 18, 2019

DNF ~ 10%Meh. Can't be bothered to say anything. Go read my [b: An Abundance of Katherines 49750 An Abundance of Katherines John Green 48658] review. :)


Just another one of John Green's successes- capturing brokeness in the most beautiful ways!

August 12, 2020

More of a 4.5.

May 24, 2014

Loved the use of metaphors! Some parts were very boring and many of the characters we're two-dimensional, but the writing makes up for it.

January 28, 2013
March 25, 2015
February 5, 2020
August 17, 2017

I expected another tragedy like TFioS. It wasn't that, but it was tragic in its own way. The story sets you up for this spectacular ending, and then it abruptly drops you miles from where you thought you were going.

January 5, 2015

Fast, funny, and enjoyable read. Loved all the characters but the McGuffin Margo; but I think that's the point.

May 28, 2018

There was a lot to love about this book: 1. someone who writes in lists, like me 2. scavenger hunt! 3. cool, strong, independent female character 4. urban exploration 5. all concepts of paper towns 6. the ending.

April 13, 2015

Q and his friends are absolutely adorable and so fun to read about. However, Margo's annoying way about her made those parts she was featured in a bit of a drag to read through.

December 22, 2014