Average rating4
I can ask one simple question and your answer will tell me if you will like this book.
Here goes: Do you like Paris?
If you answer yes, you will like it.
If you answer no, you will not.
As for me, I've been reading on it for over a month. I didn't want to finish it. Sigh.
Paris. Perfect. Paris.
Totally agree with some of the classic places to visit (Angelina, Laduree) but unfortunately some of the more obscure recommendations of shops and cafes don't exist anymore. This book needs an updated version!
“A bit of history before we go on. Montmartre, which means “mountain of the martyr,” was given its name because of the martyrdom of Saint Denis, the bishop of Paris and now the patron saint of France, who was unfortunately decapitated on the hill by the nasty Romans. (Legend has it that Saint Denis simply picked up his head, washed it off and carried it 5 miles to the north to what is now the town of Saint-Denis before he finally dropped down dead.)”
Thank you for teaching me about the architect Haussmann.