Ah, delightful story! I read it through in one sitting (it isn't very long) and loved every bit of the tale of Helen, Roger, and Parnassus the bookmobile. Helen is growing deeply tired of tending her brother's affairs when she meets Roger Mifflin, who wants to sell Parnassus so he can go to Brooklyn and write his book in peace. Helen, in a streak of adventure, buys the mobile and sets off to become a bookseller.
I loved the descriptions—Helen is thirty-nine and “heavy” but shows plenty of sense and industry in her new adventure; Mifflin is forty-one, a “slight little man with a red beard” and a deep appreciation for literature. Parnassus is a funny wagon with covered bookshelves on the sides and living quarters inside...
Anyway, this is written in first-person y Helen, and her quick observations will soon have you chuckling indeed in enjoyment of this sweet little gem.