

Average rating3


I have complaints.

1. Why would you name an MC a god-tier name like Ferenc then let him be okay with being called Ferry. FERRY? Honestly this name is eight ninths of why I couldn't take this book seriously.

Idk the name just sounds so silly yet Ferenc could have been so good.

Ferenc sounds like a man that would wait for you for 4000 years and through 70 deaths. Ferry sounds like he wants a long distance minimum effort casual hookup.

2. I feel like the best bit was the prologue. The heartbreak and hopeless pining??? 10/10 setup. Sadly I feel like the rest of the book didn't quite live up to it.

3. Too many side characters, many of whom were clearly cameos from another series because this is a book 1 in its own series. Maybe I'd have been less nagged if I knew them, but as it was, just felt like too many cooks.

4. Why does Leo keep dying OMG Ferenc doesn't deserve this, he deserves to be swaddled up like a cute baby burrito and just have his man be safe for the first fucking time in millenia, is that too much to ask for? Note- this one's not so much a genuine complaint as it is death fatigue. Like just STOP dying. This is not a big ask for an MC.

Overall, meh on this. Deeply curious about Sebastian and Matty so I'll probably read that one. Maybe the Danny one too.

July 21, 2024Report this review