Average rating3.5
A much deserved RITA winner this year for Best YA.
Absolutely LOVED this!
Beautiful romance about a wealthy girl and her love for a guy from the ‘wrong side of the tracks'.
One of those books you don't want to end.
Dont kill me but i didnt loved the book. Yeah I understand many people liked it, but to me it is full of cliches and that ending!
This is the perfect example of how an ending could ruin a book.
So, first of all, we have Brittanny Ellis who is the most popular girl in the school and is cheerland captain and also (dont forget) dates the most popular boy in the school, the quarterback of the footbal team. (God forbids if is not a football player). BUT she is not so perfect because she has a sister who has a mental sickness, this seemed a bit forced to me like the author had to find a way to make her not so perfect.
Then the boy. Alex. Of course he is poor, of course he is the bad boy, of course he has a motorcycle and tatoos (like most bad boys in YA now).
He makes a bet. Screw Brittany aka Rich and stupid blonde.
And trying to conquest her both find true love, have one pretty boy and almost cure Alzheimer....WTF!!??
And all thanks to chemistry class.
Yeah i am a little tired of all the propaganda bad boy+good girl=perfect love/chemistry/happily ever after etc.
Sort of unbelievable, not what I would call realistic fiction/romance but it entertains.
There's a thin line between love and hate. Maybe you're confusing your emotions.
I'm starting to hate books with double POVs. Because, usually, just one of them is interesting enough, which was the case with this book too. I've got mixed feelings about Perfect Chemistry. I did't loathe it, but didn't like it either. It was swimming in cliches, yet still engaging enough, in the beginning anyways. The first half was one creature, it was enjoyable and it had funny moments. The other half a completely different creature, oozing of drama and cheesiness.
I appreciated that the main characters were never said to be smarter than they seemed as possessed to Echo and Noah from Pushing the Limits. I liked Brittany a lot, I thought she was endearing. Well, up until she began dating Alex. After that she became a twat and I couldn't stand her anymore. Alex was ‘eh'. I just have a bone to pick with “bad boys”. I don't like'em. At least not the ones portrayed in the YA books I've read so far. To me, they're either too bland or too tacky. I hated the last chapters of the book, with all the amplified drama and corniness. And lets face it, almost no one changes or grows up that much fast.
Hated the ending. The way she forgave him, just like that, after the way he ended with her, was infuriating. Her rebellion against her parents was nullified. She became his doormat. What a load of BS.
Needless to say, I will not be picking up the companions.
Just finished rereading it and it is till as good as I remember. Although Brittany tends to annoy me still.
This book is much like eating drive-thru McDonald's. Seems like a good idea at the time, enjoyable and addictive, but leaves a bad taste in your mouth. This book had been popping up like the plague, constantly being recommended based on previous purchases or other books looked at, but it was disappointing at best.
I read this book in one go, reading late into the night. Reading this was similar to reading Twilight, only slightly better. There were scenes that promised more, but they were surrounded by scenes that made me cringe and rush through. I wanted to know what happened, I hoped it would get better, but the outcome and story were predictable. It was nice, at times, and at others it seemed to be pushing too far to get an emotional response.
I wanted to like it, I really did, but the book left me wishing it could have been more.
Cute contemporary romance novel, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a good summer read as well.
4,5 stars actually. Ya, ya, ak tau cerita buku ini sangat biasa, klasik & predictable endingnya, tp ak biasanya menilai sebuah buku bkn hanya dr 1 sisi itu saja.
Dua org yg sangat berbeda lingkungan & status sosial, awalnya saling benci kemudian saling jatuh cinta, biasa sekali dlm buku genre YA ataupun genre lain. Setelah itu tergantung penulisnya mampu merangkai kisah yg menarik atau tdk. Dan menurutku buku ini mampu menceritakan kisah klasik ini dgn sangat baik krn ak sangat suka ceritanya & membuatku penasaran, can't put the book down...
Sebuah series starter yg sangat menghibur, menurut penilaianku sih.