2018 • 416 pages


Average rating3.8


Rating: 1.5 leaves out of 5
Characters: 1.5/5
Cover: 1.5/5
Story: 1/5
Writing: 1.5/5
Genre: Romance/Paranormal/New Adult/Dystopia/Fantasy
Type: Audiobook
Worth?: Hell no

FINALLY done with this god forsaken book. Holy shit do I have a RANT. Where do I even start... if you fall for someone who is murdering mass amount of people. You aren't any better that someone who would be a fangirl to a serial killer. I don't know how ANYONE would find this a good book or hot or a turn on.

It was cringe as hell. The whole LOVE is going to save the world BS is BS. This was giving me “I can change this toxic abusive dude with my love” vibes.

January 31, 2022