Petrified Women
Petrified Women
Average rating4.4
Had no expectations and absolutely loved this. What a fun, quick read of revenge and female empowerment!!
The author very kindly offered me a copy to go nicely with my spooky October reads.
This novella is very fast paced and adrenaline inducing. I was sucked in immediately and I honestly couldn't put it down. I read it, in its entirety, while lying down in the dark in bed. Definitely spooky! I will say I think I did kind of see some of the twists and turns coming, but that did absolutely nothing to prepare me for them, nor did it alter my enjoyment whatsoever. Thoroughly a heart-pounding novella of infatuation, manipulation, abuse, and horror.
The wooden, petrified women reminded me of the super eerie flower-people from Annihilation. If you haven't seen the movie look it up and I'm sure you'll see what I meant after reading!
I was super impressed and happy with the inclusion of a content warning to start the entire thing off. Definitely a thoughtful inclusion that is often not even thought about by authors.
Would gladly read more of this writer's work! You can find all of his work at the link in his bio on Instagram, as well as updates on his page, so give him a follow!