Average rating4
Dark ans suspenseful, filled with memorable characters and almost palpable tension.
I watched the recent miniseries towards the end of 2018 and enjoyed it and wanted to read the book. It was interesting enough, but not great. It seemed unfocused a lot of the time and trying too hard. I'm not quite sure how people thought it was a true story...
I'm a little conflicted because on one hand, when I finished this book, I was angry. Like, ranting-to-my-poor-roommate-for-ten-minutes kind of angry.
But then I couldn't stop thinking about it. And then I stayed up until 1 AM binge-watching the entire Amazon miniseries. (So now it will be difficult to separate my thoughts and feelings on the two, but I'll do my best.)
While it isn't my usual cup of tea, if a piece of art impacts you enough to keep you thinking well into the next day, that has to count for something. And I loved the writing! I can't say much else without being spoilery.
So if I had rated this directly after finishing, it definitely would have been two stars (1 for story, 1 for the writing style). But after mulling it over, I have come to terms with the fact that while it wasn't what I expected, it was certainly unique, enjoyable, and well-executed. 4 stars.
It's 1900. A group of college girls goes on a picnic at a nature area. Some of the girls and one of their teachers do not return. It's a mystery.
It doesn't end there. Bad things continue to happen, long after the original event, bad things that are all loosely tied to the event. It's a mystery.
So glad I read this little book. It's short, but thoughtful, with beautiful writing and an interesting premise. Recommended.
Decided to pick this one up because it's considered an Australian classic - buts it's more a classic in the sense that it was really popular when it was published, not really because it's groundbreaking in any way. Giving it somewhere between a 3 and a 4, but bumping it down to a 3 because while I did enjoy it, I wouldn't recommend anyone go out of their way to read it.