Average rating3.7
I wanted to like this book, I really did.
I just couldn't get past how juvenile the heroine acted. The whole premise of the misunderstanding between the H/h was kind of lame. He stood her up for a date when she was 15 and he was 16. She never heard from him again (he had to leave town due to reasons out of his control) Yes, he could have called her to let her know what happened, but again he was a 16 year old kid. Apparently the heroine could not get past this slight, and 10 years later when he is back in town, acts like a frigging bratty child and gets back at him by standing him up and playing his message on a “look at the loser that got stood up” radio segment.
We spend the majority of the book with him chasing her, and her acting like a bitch. Having sex with him and then throwing him out when he is still naked. Same thing, over and over and over again. Why this guy kept going back for more was beyond me? I hated Becca, she didn't deserve Jax AT ALL.
She continually harped on how awful a person he was with gems like this...
“something she had a hard time associating with the kid who'd left her high and dry. Maybe he really had changed.”
Let me just repeat, he STOOD HER UP FOR A FIRST DATE at the age of 16. He didn't cheat on her, he didn't hit her, he didn't try to murder her! This poor dude just could not win.
“She'd long ago accepted that happily ever after wasn't for her. It was easier than opening herself up to heartache and despair again”
Yes, DESPAIR because she got stood up at the age of 15. Melodramatic much. Of course, just as things start to work out Jax pulls a douche move, and we are right back where we started. Luckily the book ended soon after so we didn't have to suffer through page after page of poor Saint Becca and her devastation.
So wow. I really didn't like this book at all...here's some “Gandy Candy” to make up for my less than positive outlook.