Sigh. I keep trying to read Watts; it just never works out for me. Abandoned at 32%. I already know, deep down, that my “I” is an artificial construct. (It just happens to be a pretty convincing one, also a useful one for getting around in the world). I've felt connection and unity, I will probably always remember that, it kind of guides me sometimes. And that makes no sense to you, dear reader, and that's OK, in fact it's my entire point: I can't convey to you what it's like, and Watts can't convey it to me. Our language is not yet good enough, especially not across fifty years. To me he comes off as pompous, one of these debate-club people who argues a point by defining terms and using a lot of “well this, therefore that” but just ramrodding, not giving the reader/listener a chance to object. And the way I work – the way logic works – is, if your premises are faulty or you use questionable steps to build a conclusion, that's it, stop now. No point in going forward.