Power Cues

Power Cues

2014 • 272 pages

Not sure what the low ratings are about? Maybe Morgan's excellent book hit my sweet spot because I resonated strongly with it. I love the stories and the anecdotes! He really gave me something to think about when he started talking about public speaking. I do a lot of it and I've always been nervous about it until recently when I did a re-frame and became excited about it. He presents the same idea and goes me one better by comparing the feelings of public presentation with the same symptoms of preparing for a sexual encounter. Increased heart rate, sweaty palms, flushing, shallow breathing, etc. Why do we identify one as nervousness and one as excitement? Telling! Spot on and enjoyable throughout.

There was one tiny bit near the end that pulled me out of the narrative arc. He body slammed the principles contained in The Secret. I don't particularly care for the book either but it did lessen his impact for me for a minute. He could have easily lost me at that moment...and that may be why there are some extremely low reviews.

Ignore that one sentence and for me this book is a five.

March 7, 2022