2,235 Books
See allMr. Brown wrote the first few chapters of this book as if he were already writing the script for the movie. The only problem is, is that in my opinion this movie, which will be a blockbuster starring Tom Hanks, should actually be a written for television movie.
I think in a lot of ways this book simply abandoned story. I kept reading because I didn't think it was so awful and then I got to the final chapters and discovered that yes indeed it was pretty awful. The final supposedly exciting conclusions left me cold, left me bored and left me annoyed that I'd put this much time into “the word”.
Non-fiction book about one woman's year long journey into creating her own reality. Mostly a good book although some of the folks she quoted I resonated with more than the author. One quote in particular was delightful and I paraphrase...“How can you open yourself to abundance if your heart is closed tight like a fist?” Again, I'm not looking at the book so the quote is probably just close but I love the lesson.
If you believe in creating your own reality this is a quite good reference.