Great story. Good ideas. The whole Democrat/Republican bit felt gratuitous and flat and took me unnecessarily out of the story. Would have been higher if not for that.
The humor did not translate well in this book. Skip the first 2/3 of the book - that's when he really has something to say that is actionable and has impact.
I loved this book. I loved the story. I loved the characters. I loved the science. I loved the non-science. I even loved the secondary characters (the Swedes). I loved the resilience. I loved the tautly executed back-story. It was an excellent book that kept me warm despite the -50 degree below temperatures!
Highly recommend!
This book didn't work, and that makes me sad. Everything else I've read by Johnson has gotten a four or five star.
There was one brilliant line regarding Longmire's being unable to speak Spanish, the inability of the little girl who was accompanying him to speak English, and the mule they were taking back to the ranch unable to speak either language:
“We talked the whole way back to the dry ranch, none of us understanding the other but all of us enjoying the conversation.”
That's the reason Depth of Winter got a three star rather than a two.
Informative read with action steps that you can start using today whether you're close to retirement or not. It details the best ways to save and invest while living and enjoying your life before and after you “retire”.
It's causing me to re-examine a few things I've been doing and will have me doubling down on income investing.
Thanks Wes!
This memoir about Darlene Barne's time spent cooking in a frat house is funny, sad, and ultimately perfect in every way. Exactly what a memoir should be.
Interestingly enough a book about learning to be fluent in a new language does not translate so well to the audio format.
I love glimpses into other peoples lives especially those who have had larger than life experiences or are able to tell their tales in compelling ways. For the most part Mr. Menginie's story rings true but there are, what appear to me, to be several inconsistencies and sometimes things just don't jibe. There are other times where I see glimpses of quite good writing. I'm going with a three this time and hope that he does write another book.
This book details how to increase personal feelings of power and self -confidence through the use of body posing. It goes briefly into how the poses are similar to yoga asanas; to me that is very intriguing.
The next time I have an important event I'm going to try posing like superman and see if it helps.
The critical change information is solid and applicable. The fiction story is an admirable effort.
Pretty good but I think the thing that bothered me was that the author started relying so much on Charlie to move the action forward, i.e. need the police to come - have Charlie hide in a drain-pipe...need for Little Bee to be caught have Charlie suddenly break away and run towards her to single her out. There were other instances, so it was just OK for me.
Clear, concise, and doable. Frankly could have been written as a pamphlet. I've been following the plan which basically consists of fasting for 16 hours and then eating what you want during an eight hour period. I want to wait a few weeks to see how it plays out but so far I have lost some weight and it has been fairly easy.
Craig Johnson delivers!
Johnson is an amazing storyteller. His way with the English language will make you laugh, cry, but most of all it makes you care . I'm ecstatic that his audience found him and that I am part of that fan base.
Excellent book.
This goes beyond self-help/biography and gives you directed steps on how to achieve your version of what the author is in the midst of the journey of achieving.
Check out his website too.