Average rating3.5
Good things actually happen to Mia in this one! Prom! Dresses! Newborn babies! 7 Minutes in Heaven! Michael Moscovitz! <3
this took me forever to get (read: skim) through because i feel a bit like i???m beating myself on the head with a hammer shaped like a white 15yo prom-obsessed girl and i???m not about that. like, this is super accurate to the worst of teenagedom, i think, but isn't even the mia we met in book 1
read it for michael tho. always here for michael
Hey Mia, you want to go to the prom so badly... here's a hint, just ask your bloody boyfriend! Mia was insufferable in this one. Honestly!
Once again, I understand she's a teenager (taking way too long in this series to age her up so she can start wising up to things) but something's gotta give. You can't be that clueless and melodramatic about everything.
Lilly was also terrible in this. I seriously do not understand why Mia is friends with her