Average rating3.7
I feel like for a conclusion to a duology, I should not feel so unsatisfied. There were many aspects of this book that I loved and they were cute and fun. But there was also the fact that the end was overly rushed and just happened and I do not understand why Lara Jean did what she did in the end.
This duology definitely focuses on family and I really appreciate that aspect of the story. I love the Song sisters and the their dad and the relationships they have with each other. I really wish there had been more Margot in this book even if that wasn't feasible because she is in college.
One final note, I loved how in middle school it was Team Peter and Team John and something similar came into play in this book. It was a nice little touch.
Overall, this was a disappointment for me. I did not appreciate where the story went and while I understand this showcases Lara Jean who is very sheltered and inexperienced, I'm still frustrated. I also feel like the ending was way to rushed. There was a point in the last 15 or so pages where I was convinced we were going to be left with another cliffhanger.
This was so close to being good. LJ realised something in the last few pages of the book that, had she realised it earlier, would've shifted the emphasis of the story and could've made it a lot better. Sigh.
This series continues to be super-adorable and I love all the family relationships! Kitty is the best.
PS I Still Love You is a continuation of Lara Jean's story from To All The Boys I've Loved Before. It really is a seamless continuation - it picks up almost immediately where the first ends, in the holidays, with Lara Jean pining over Peter.
I didn't like this one as much as the first - the sisters are still here, but Lara Jean doesn't spend as much time worrying over her dynamic with her sisters as she did in the first book. This second book is all about Peter, his ex, and what's going on at school. That's fine - obviously the story needs to evolve and move, but the sisters were such a huge part of the charm of the first book that I really miss them in this one.
A second boy is introduced in this book - John - and to be honest, I like him more than Peter. I know Peter and Lara Jean are really set up as THE couple in this series, but - John's so nice. And Peter's so oblivious.
There's one more book - Always and Forever, Lara Jean - and while I'm sure it won't happen, I'm holding out hope that John will come back in book #3 and win Lara Jean over. I really, really liked him.
You can find all my reviews at Goddess in the Stacks.
Okay, so I am just loving this series. I'm just as confused as Lara Jean about who I would choose. John Ambrose might have my heart now. There is just so much to love about these books and Jenny Han's beautiful writing. On to the next one!
I did enjoy this, but it was irritated me at times. But then again I'm now 25 not 16 so I am admittedly a little outside the demographic, and I'm more then a bit over teen drama (honestly I didn't even read books like this when I was a teen).
I was so happy to see that no time passed between this book and the previous one. We jumped right in where we left off with the first one.
Lara Jean and Peter are cute. I was happy to see them get back together and enjoyed their relationship. How great was Peter with Lara Jean's sister, Kitty? The family relationships in the book and the cozy baking were nice for me. And I enjoyed hearing about Belleview's residents and seeing the USO party.
But things with Lara and Peter start going down hill mainly because of the amount of time Peter chooses to spend with Genevieve. I mean I do get why it bother Lara Jean, who wants to constantly hear about their boyfriend hanging out with his ex. Especially when that ex put out a “sex” tape out to the whole school featuring Lara Jean and Peter.
So the break-up really wasn't surprising. Then John was brought in more heavily and honestly he's sweet and handsome and in my opinion way more like-able then Peter.
So when Lara Jean chooses Peter over John at the end I'm kind of bummed.
I will still probably try to pick up the next book to see how this all ends and I did enjoy this book even if my rant above doesn't sound that way. Mainly it was a cute quick read.
Que livro fofo, minha gente! A Lara Jean está muito mais forte e determinada nesse livro, e perdeu um pouco da dependência com a Margot, enriquecendo muito mais a relação da família.
O desenvolvimento foi bom da história, mas faltou uns gritos a mais da LJ pra cima do Peter, e um motivo melhor para Gen rancorosa.
Mas confesso que gosto muito mais do John Ambrose do que do Peter.
ah! O que valorizou muito esse livro, pela identificação que tive, é algumas considerações que temos com nossas relações de amizade. Devido o reencontro dos colegas de fundamental, esse tema fica forte e nostálgico na escrita do livro, com pequenos detalhes que facilmente associamos com a realidade fora da página: como lugares que frequentamos quando criança ficam menores, mas fomos nós que crescemos, como velhos hábitos nunca mudam...
Como, infelizmente, as amizades mudam com o tempo e realmente, a despedida é passa a ser a parte fácil.
This book was a 4.25/5 stars for me. I really really really enjoyed it but I obviously know these books are supposed to be light and fun and not masterpieces. The writing is very digestible and overall pretty good but not super complex. I still loved the characters. I think that Jenny Hahn has a way of making her characters really relatable and real. Especially for someone like me who is in high school. I don't think I would enjoy the plot or characters as much if I wasn't in high school and a bit older. I think the plot answered a lot of questions and added some interesting dynamics. I also really like how I feel the same way the main character does. When she's frustrated, I'm I really enjoyed watching the ups and downs and new connections in all the relationships between characters. frustrated. When she's happy, I'm happy. When she's sad, I'm sad. I think that I relate to her a lot even though we definitely aren't exactly alike but we have very similar thinking processes and I really liked that. They had a lot of swoon moments in this book which I appreciated a lot because I love a good romance story that sweeps me off my feet. This book centralized more on the main characters and didn't tie in too many plotlines except the ones directly with the main character. Overall I think this is a very solid sequel and I can't wait to read the last one in the trilogy!
“I suppose you can't hold on to old things just for the sake of holding on.”
I didn't change my opinion about this one, didn't enjoy it, the first one was much better. The tone was much less uplifting. I don't have patience for drama caused by misunderstandings and miscommunication.
Peter's character took a turn for the worse. I don't care he had this history with Genevieve, he shouldn't get involved with someone else until he's willing to really move on. The fact the he knew she took the video and still defended her while hiding from Lara Jean is inexcusable. No matter that they are teenagers, this is an appalling behavior and they should know better. She didn't even stop there, she made sure to spread it again after it was taken down. Was I supposed to feel sympathy for her because she was suffering because she has a philanderer as a father after what she did? She deserved to be expelled or even sent to jail. And the fact that the adults took so look to react and take it down was infuriating.I don't think it's cute Lara Jean forgave him when he showed no signs of remorse for his behavior and actions. And as much as I liked John, I didn't think it was okay that he made a move on her when she has just broken up with Peter and she was clearly not over him".
I have been trying to make a concerted effort to really focus on some series of books that I've chosen to read this past month, choosing to almost binge read them rather than leaving them for a while between books and suffer that dreaded reader problem of forgetting what happened in the last book. I was really proud to finish the entire Infernal Devices series and I also started this wonderful series by Jenny Han, the To All The Boys I've Loved Before trilogy.
I really enjoyed the first book in this series and you can find my review on the site by clicking the link below.
The first book in the series ended with a bit of a cliffhanger as Lara Jean found her relationship with Peter looked to be hitting troubled waters and we learned that despite their romance having been an act, Lara Jean had fallen hard for the handsome boy she'd spent so much time with over the previous few months. This second book picks up immediately after the end of book one and begins with one of Lara Jean's famous letters to the boys she loves, in this case, Peter. She has fallen hard for him and loves the way he has time for her younger sister and how he has helped her get over her crush on her sister's ex-boyfriend.
This book is not set to be smooth sailing however as we follow Lara Jean's attempts to save her romance we have several hurdles along the way. There's an online video scandal to survive, the constant presence of Peter's ex-girlfriend Genevive who seems set on ensuring Lara Jean will never be the one to win Peter's heart and, also, we have the reappearance of an old crush to whom Lara Jean sent one of her famous letters, John Ambrose McLaren who it seems has some long held feelings for our favourite heroine. But as they say, the path of true love never did run smooth.
I liked this book, it was great to spend more time with all the characters we were introduced to in book one and it was enhanced through the introduction of some great new ones like John and Stormy, the feisty and fun pensioner whom Lara Jean meets at the care home she works in. There are lots of twists and turns along the road and some great romantic moments to give you that nice warm fuzzy feeling. I am loving the ongoing relationship between Lara Jean and her younger sister Kitty which is one of the really strong standout points in the book as Lara Jean always takes the time to listen and be there for her and Kitty is such a lively and fun character.
The only drawbacks I found in this book is that I wanted Lara Jean to be stronger this time around, I felt she should have dealt more forcefully with the whole Genevive and Peter situation. She seemed to stand back and let it happen around her for a while whereas I think she could have been more direct in asking questions of them both which would have saved lots of confusion. Maybe because I'm reading this from an adult perspective is why I felt this way but it did frustrate me at times and I was finding myself thinking “I am so over this possessive ex-thing”. I also really, really liked John Ambrose McLaren. I found him really really sweet to Lara Jean. He was so attentive to her and everything she needed from him he did. They shared such great moments in the book that I wanted more of him. I wanted Lara Jean to stop worrying about Peter and focus on the boy who was there clearly in love with her and pulling out all the stops to make her happy.
I am interested to see where book 3, the final book in the trilogy, will take this story as it moves towards its conclusion. I'm sad as I saw it in the bookshop last week and it doesn't look as substantial as the first two books so I'm hoping it won't short change me but I will definitely be reading it really soon as this series is great fun, a really nice contemporary read and great for summer.
the second book in the story of Lara Jean. I really liked this book, it was fun and cute. We meet John Ambrose McLaren and learn more about the story of Genevieve and Lara Jean. The first hundred pages of the book were a little slow for me, but the book is well written and easy to read so I got through it. After that, when Lara Jean receive the letter from John for me the story really begins. In this book we also see a glimpse of her father's story which is also very interesting. the introduction of new characters help the story to not get boring, we learn a lot about the past which is really interesting. It was full of cuteness and I really loved it.
First of all John and Peter and both amazing and I was cool with her ending up with either one. This was good. Cute. Better than the first! 4.5
i finally understand all the john ambrose vs peter kavinsky discourse and i gotta say......... even though i was really angry at kavinsky for a lot of the shit he pulls in this book, i still want laura jean to be with him
God..... this one was so much more annoying than the first one. Lara Jean and Peter were super pretentious and even for teens megahypersuper stupid. Most of the scenes went from kind of cute to super cringy.
Like most YA books I read, this book is just okay for me. There's really nothing wrong with it; it's just not my thing. Lara Jean is a cute character, and her family is very lovable. The plot is a bit frustrating for me because Lara Jean behaves way too much like a naive teenager for my liking. She also gets mad at Peter for things she is doing herself. It just felt like a very typical teen romance with nothing really original about it.
What a change of feelings from last year. I feel worse after reading this than I did after the cliffhanger in the first one. 3 stars only because of John since his part in the book was the only part I enjoyed. How sad is that...? PETER WHY.
I'M REALLY REALLY REALLY HOPING THERE WON'T BE A LOVE TRIANGLE IN THIS. I don't think I can bear to see Lara Jean and Peter go through much more after they've come this far. I'm scared to see what direction this will take... I'm ever so happy that it's only going to be a duology though!!
I remember not knowing if i should give book 1 5 stars after this one because i thought that was perfec tthan I read this one a month later and it was the first book I read in a day
“P.S. I Still Love You” is the second novel in Jenny Han's trilogy, which continues the story from the first novel. In this novel we see Lara Jean and Peter, in their real relationship. But another recipient of the five letters shows up and his return brings up problems for Lara Jean and Peters relationship, as Lara Jean has feelings for both John the new boy and Peter.
There was a love triangle in the first novel, but in this novel the new love triangle was better. As Lara Jean having feelings for both Peter and John, do make sense. John is a very nice character and he would be a great boyfriend, especially after Lara Jean finds out the Peter had been keeping secrets about him and his ex, from the last book, which causes problems. Though Peter was still a nice guy, but I did not like him putting his ex first. I liked Peter much more when he starts to fight for her. The novel was just as fast paced and fluffy as the first novel, I gave this a 4.5/5 stars.
This felt like such a big turn from the second movie - I'm eager to see how the third book plays out!