Average rating4
Pulau Sae – Shima Wa Bokura To bercerita mengenai empat sekawan yaitu Akari, Kinuka, Genki, dan Arata serta keseharian mereka di Pulau Sae, sebuah pulau terpencil di tengah Laut Seto. Mizuki Tsujimura membagi cerita dalam novel ini ke dalam empat buah bab besar yang masing-masing babnya mengambil sudut pandang dari masing-masing tokoh. Setiap bab memiliki konflik yang berakar dari lingkungan di sekitar tokoh-tokoh tersebut. Sebagai contoh, dalam bab yang memfokuskan sudut pandang Akari, konflik yang disuguhkan Mizuki-sensei adalah ketakutan Akari mengenai Genki yang sebenarnya bukan merupakan penduduk asli Pulau Sae. Akari merasa Genki sebenarnya membenci pulau tempat tinggal mereka karena masa lalu keluarga Genki yang hancur akibat kepindahan mereka dari Tokyo ke Pulau Sae. Sinopsis Tinggal di Pulau Sae yang terpencil di tengah Laut Seto, Jepang, setiap hari Akari, Kinuka, Genki, dan Arata harus naik feri menuju daratan utama untuk bersekolah. Lahir dan besar di pulau itu, mereka akrab dengan penduduk desa, termasuk dengan para pendatang yang memulai hidup baru di Pulau Sae. Dan musim ini adalah tahun terakhir mereka bersama-sama, karena setelahnya, anak-anak pulau itu harus memutuskan kemana mereka akan mengejar masa depan: pergi atau bertahan di Pulau Sae. Detail Format : Soft cover Jumlah halaman : 360 halaman Tanggal terbit : 30 Oktober 2017 Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama Penulis : Mizuki Tsujimura Panjang : 20 cm Lebar : 13.5 Berat : 0.25 kg ISBN : 9786020366685 Bahasa : Indonesia
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I'll be honest, the majority of the book is more like a 3.5⭐ read. It's by no means bad. It's just... not quite what the blurb says it is. The blurb makes it sound like it's a story focused on four teenagers living in a remote island, spending their last summer in high school before they have to decide whether they would stay in the island or leave. That makes it sound like it'd be centered around the four main characters, right? But it's not.
The main character of this story is actually the island itself, and the blurb wasn't kidding when it says Akari, Kinuka, Genki, and Arata would observe the decisions of those who come and leave the island. That's seriously all they do until the very end: observing others. The book covers a lot of issues and deals with a lot of characters like a true slice of life story, ranging from the life of single mothers to village politics, which makes the overall tone heavier and less teenage-like. Even their school life receives very little portion compared to their days in the island. Again, it's not bad. It's just not what you think it may be.
That being said, the ending is beautiful and it's the reason why I'm rating this 4⭐. When you're a teenager and have to stay in the island knowing all of your friends are leaving, you'll definitely have a lot of worries about being apart from the people you grew up with. This issue gets resolved in a really nice way in the end, wrapping up the story on a heartwarming note. That alone deserves some extra points.