Average rating4.5
Richard Powers' writing prowess is a delight. So while I have complaints that strike to the heart of the novel, they seemed trivial in the face of the most powerful prose I've read in a long time. Generosity is one of the tightest novels I've ever read. Every sentence is honed to perfection - imagery, flow, scanning, and purpose in the overall story. His commentary is both timely on the matters of genetic engineering, the growing expanse of the internet and culture globalization and timeless on the matters of what it truly means to be happy and what we should be searching for in life, any way. The research is also impeccable, down to the percentage of the human genome that is patented as of his writing.
The flaws? The first is the title, and overall the theme of “generosity” - I know that Powers is using it for the wordplay potential, in that Genetics and Generosity share a Latin root; however, Congeniality might be a better bang for the same pun-based buck. Nowhere does he show that Thassa is generous, despite her label of “Miss Generosity.” In fact, the primary flaw is that he does not really show Thassa, the congenitally happy woman, to be much of anything at all. So while other characters run about fawning over her, the reader is still struggling to “get it.”
In a lesser writers hands, these flaws would be fatal. In Powers' case it's merely an annoyance, in an otherwise superb novel.
I call myself a big Richard Powers fan. I've only read one Powers book, but it was a wham-doozy. I often list it on my favorite all-time reads. It was brilliant, with clever word play and subplots that intertwine and characters who are—very strange—scientists and stories about human genes and computers, none of which I really know much about. It was fun and unexpected and, really, brilliant.
And now I've finally completed my second Powers, though, truth be told, it was actually a listen not a read.
So what do I think? Am I still a raving Powers fan?
I'd say this one, though it began and proceeded with a powerful hit, would not quite ring my bell. I was waiting for the big, wonderful final ending that tied everything together and it didn't happen. Or, possibly, it did happen, but it was so over my head that I just didn't get it. I don't want to give away the whole story (stop here if you are worried about spoilers) but I didn't really understand our main heroine's meltdown. What does that say?
I imagine that I will reflect on this a little more (always the sign of a good book).