Average rating4.6
3.5 ⭐️
I enjoyed this book more than Saving 6. I loved seeing all the familiar characters again, and liked reading the events of B13 & K13 through Joey/Aofies POV. HOWEVER I think I'd have preferred for those to be shortened and focus more on what happened after the events of K13.
(not to be picky, but there were quite a few spelling mistakes throughout the book which I couldn't help but notice)
Es un 4,5 en verdad pero es que chicas están un 40% del libro revolcándose en la mierda, LITERALMENTE, en plan amor hazme un libro más corto por que llega un punto que es repetitivo y masoquista. Sabemos que Joey está mal, fatal, terriblemente mal pero esto de ver más de 5 escenas metiendose de todo es innecesario en plan, nos hacemos una idea, con dos escenas así nos bastaba, lit es todo el rato así y cansa mucho, además por qué lo que queda del libro también es MUY tocho y triste y dramático, y lo sabes si has leído keeping 13, entonces pfff en fin, me ha gustado mucho, si, pero léelo si tu vida está ok, estable y no está pasando nada malo enserio por qué este libro te consume el alma
Heart breaking and devastating don't even begin to cover it. I don't think I stopped crying the entire book. Joey and Aoife are tragic and beautiful. I loved how much she stood by Joe, her ride or die. Joey deserves all the love and patience in the world.
It was nice to see events that happened in Shannon and Johnny's books again, but from Joey's perspective.
And getting the glimpse of Gibsie and Mr and Mrs Kav... love that banter and love between them.
Well this just about broke my soul. When I say I cried, I mean I SOBBED and when I say I love Aoife and Joey, I mean they are literally my favorite fictional couple in all of existence.
My skeptical ass did not believe this book was going to be worth the amount of pages but I was wrong, it kept me hooked from the start and I wasn’t bored for even half a second.
So worth the hype. 10/10 no notes