Average rating4
In a word? BRILLIANT!
I devoured this emotional novel in half a day. Couldn't put it down and that's with my own deadlines!
Such a wonderful story of young love, marriage, fidelity and how one catastrophic event can change everything you believe in.
I rarely cry when reading books but this one made me bawl towards the end.
A beautifully told story of a mother/daughter evolving relationship and how the right man will stand by you no matter what.
Absolutely LOVED IT!!!!!
2.75/5 stars
Morgan's storyline? I actually liked it. So I'm rounding this up to 3 stars. If we made this book entirely about her and her emotional turmoil, maybe I would have somewhat loved this book. I doubt it, bc this is Colleen Hoover, but it was a possibility.
Clara's storyline was
Possible spoilers
Even though this is only my second CoHo book she seems like the kind of author that likes to mess with your head and make you feel all kinds of feelings. And I'm definitely okay with that.
Regretting You is told from two POVs. Morgan and her 16 year old daughter, Clara. Being a teenager is a difficult time...being one while tragedy strikes makes it all the worse. Morgan became a mother very young and her whole life revolved around her husband and daughter. It's not until he dies in a tragic accident that it comes to light that maybe Chris isn't as wonderful as everyone thought he was.
Finding out your spouse is having an affair after he/she is dead is seriously fucking heavy. There's no one to direct your anger to. No arguments to be had. No questions answered. Morgan has to deal with this while her daughter also takes out her grief on her. Clara is just a teenager who just her father whom she was incredibly close to. Neither one seem to be able to get on the same page about anything. Which is normal but difficult under the best of circumstances.
I liked that Clara found out about the affair...not because I wanted her to hurt. But I wanted her to see that her mother was human with a fuck ton on her plate and she was navigating shit as best she could. Morgan resonated a lot with me. I understood her. As a mother ( a SAH one at ) that I felt a kinship with her. What stopped me from giving it five stars was that we find out nothing else about the affair. I feel like it was the crux of this whole book/situation. Why did it start? When did it start? For how long? I didn't want there to be chapters about it. But some closure? There were letters but at the end of it all Morgan decided she didn't need to know the minute details. And I feel like I did want to know
I'm not sure what I can say about Colleen Hoover that hasn't been said before. She is one of a handful of authors that I trust wholeheartedly to provide an engaging, emotional story that will tug at my heartstrings in all the right ways and characters that are complex yet relatable.
I prefer to go into books blind. I don't read blurbs, I avoid any chapter previews or sneak peaks that are released ahead of time. Really the only thing I knew going into this book was that it was going to be about a mother and her teenage daughter and was kind of a YA/contemporary romance hybrid and I would advise anyone else thinking of picking this one up to go into it blindly as well. Not knowing the events of this story just made it pack that much more of a punch. And there are quite a few punches here.
Colleen portrayed the mother/daughter relationship in this book so well and realistically that I could easily place myself into either characters' shoes. She made me feel what it was like to be a teenage girl again; angry and rebellious yet so giddy about the prospect of new love. At the same time, I could see myself as Morgan, being in her 30s and feeling like she's lost her way a bit. I felt every emotion as the characters were experiencing them, from heartbreak to anger to hope. This is really a beautiful story and I highly recommend it.
Thank you to Montlake Romance and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review.
This is my first Colleen Hoover book I read and boy did I fell in love with this book, it made me feel so much emotions! The relationship between mother and daughter is the most genuine thing in the world. Both Morgan and Clara just were too far away from eachother, full of misunderstanding and so much grief that it blinded what matters/was needed. This felt so surreal that I know out there someone is dealing with the same situation. The plot twists were amazing like I couldn't put it down, wanting to know more as I read on. The heartache, anger, and grieving got me feeling in all type of way. One thing was led to another made all the more reason for Clara not want to be like her mom or rather make the same mistake but in the end, it wasn't that way as she thought it had been happening! I would highly suggest anyone and I mean ANYONE who needs a read or want recs. This is on my top list. I want to say this has to be my 2020 best read so far
I was originally going to give this a 4 because I didn't care at all about the daughter's POV but reading the last few chapters made me
[b:Regretting You 44582454 Regretting You Colleen Hoover https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1559332442l/44582454.SY75.jpg 69199213]All the Feels and So Much More Insomnia at its best. I love when these two things happen together one, I cannot sleep and two one of my favorite authors has a new book. I had about 65% of this read by 4am on January 2, 2020 it is that breath taking. I do have a request if you are planning to read this and that is do not read the blurb at all. I do not want you to know a single thing before you open this book. I am not even sure how much the blurb gives away because I still have not read it. I just want you to dive headfirst into Regretting You exactly the way I did and let it swallow you up in the absorbing way only Colleen Hoover seems to be able to. I was so wrapped in it that I went to sleep thinking about this book, I woke up thinking about this book and now I am just shook by the experience. This is one of those epic books that will stay with you for days and it will be worth it. Like I have already said, I do not want to spoil the storyline itself. The way it comes together and unfolds, the shocking twists and turns in the story are simply BRILLIANT and if you know anything at all about it ahead of time, it might not be the punch in the gut the way it should be. I know you are thinking why would I be so obsessed you just have to find out for yourself. The way it is written though with the dual perspectives is genius. I will tell you that this is a story as much about love as it is about family. It is a wholly relatable story about the mother and daughter dynamic and it hit home for me HARD as a daughter. It really does illuminate the growing pains of parenting, the way so much can change while the need to protect and shelter never will. It was a kick right to the gut feeling Clara's resentment and anger toward her mother, such completely authentic reactions yet so brutally heartbreaking to witness. Regretting you is heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. It will show you the resilience of the bond of mother and daughter and it will give you hope that people can make the best of even the worst of circumstances.
I had a hard time deciding between a 3 and a 4 star rating for this one, so I'll give it a 3.5. I really enjoy Colleen Hoover's writing style, which makes her books so easy to read and get lost in. I read this one in two days. I almost didn't make it past the first couple chapters, though. I am not a big fan of YA novels, and I didn't realize this one was in that category until I started it. However, when I got to the chapters written from the mother's point of view, I decided to stick with the book.
In this story, we follow both Morgan and her daughter Clara as they deal with the aftermath of a family tragedy. I found Morgan to be a well-developed and believable character. I sympathized with her as she lived through some very difficult situations. I loved how she was always looking out for the well-being of her daughter, even when it brought pain upon herself. Clara was not my favorite character. I found her to be a bit self-absorbed and whiny. I did not find her to be as relatable as Morgan, but that's probably because I am an adult like Morgan.
While I did not love this book, I did enjoy the read. I will continue to pick up Colleen Hoover's books in the future.
This is my 10th Colleen Hoover book and about halfway through I had a thought - Colleen Hoover is going to be the next Nicholas Sparks. Seriously such a great author. This book was no different, it was heart wrenching and tragic and beautiful and loving. If you know Colleen Hoover then you know what I mean.
Colleen is great at making you interested in a book from the first few pages. This one was a little dragged but overall it was nice, I even cried a little at the end
Ik vind dit echt een heel erg mooi verhaal van Colleen. Heel anders dan andere boeken, maar echt heel erg mooi. Ik vond het ook leuk om vanuit moeder en dochters POV te lezen. Ik vond de vormgeving van dit boek echt heel erg goed! Dit is een van mijn favoriete CoHo boeken. Het laatste hoofdstuk zorgde er echt voor dat ik een glimlach op mijn gezicht had. Een heel leuk einde!
Es el primer libro que leo de la autora, no está mal pero me esperaba mucho más, igualmente seguiré leyendo sus libros.
Another great, captivating novel by [a:Colleen Hoover 5430144 Colleen Hoover https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1464032240p2/5430144.jpg]. I'm on a tear, trying to read all her books this year. [b:Regretting You 44582454 Regretting You Colleen Hoover https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1559332442l/44582454.SY75.jpg 69199213], like many of her other books, had me from page one. I'm always grabbed by how the author creates an emotional connection with the reader immediately and then goes on to exploit that by putting her characters in barely believable, but plausible situation that make us want to find out how they fare.This story seems to start simply enough with two sisters, Morgan and her younger sister Jenny, both in high school and dating Chris and Jonah respectively. We find out that Morgan is pregnant, the child is Chris', and he wants to name her Clara if it's a girl. But the personalities of these four characters are ones that almost seem to clash. Where Chris and Jenny are the party animals, their dates, Morgan and Jonah are better at being supportive, deep-thinkers. The very next chapter starts with Clara, that baby is now in high school, facing some of the same pressures her young parents faced. While she is starting to date Miller, a boy her father disapproves of, she's generally a good kid. Chris and Addie are both very cautious parents, ever worried that Clara might make the same “mistake” they did and not get to pursue her dreams. However, in a twist, Clara's dream is her parents' worse nightmare. She wants to be an actress. They prefers she have a more stable profession.All of their worrying about Clara's future comes to an abrupt end when Clara's father and her aunt Jenny have are both killed in a car accident. Together. At first, that's not too odd because they both work at the same hospital. But as the story progresses, their deaths are only the beginning of the unraveling of Clara, Morgan, and Jonah's lives.Hoover's well drawn characters combined with her excellent dialogue make this story unputdownable. I would have finished it in one sitting if I had the time. I'm off to get another Colleen Hoover books. There's a reason why she has four on the NY Times bestseller list. They're addictive.
Two stars from Late Thirties Me. #regrettingthisbook
Okay, that hashtag's a tad melodramatic. My Grade 10 self would give it 4/5 stars though, so it averages out to 3 stars which seems fair.
Regretting You is a heart-wrenching novel about the power of love and forgiveness. Colleen Hoover deftly explores the complex relationship between a mother and daughter who are faced with an impossible choice.
The story is told from the alternating perspectives of Morgan and Clara, which allows readers to understand the motivations behind their actions. Hoover expertly weaves together the past and present, creating a compelling and emotional tale.
The characters are incredibly well-drawn and the plot is gripping. I was moved by the author's exploration of the power of love and forgiveness.
Regretting You is a powerful novel that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.
Five stars!! My goodness this was a touching story.
Morgan and her younger sister Jenny were a foursome with best friends Chris and Jonah in high school. One evening Morgan, who was only 18, realizes she is carrying Chris's child and life takes a drastic turn. Seventeen years later a tragic car accident turns Morgan's life upside down leaving her to raise her daughter Clara alone and battling deep dark secrets she is blindsided by.
Clara is on the verge of turning 17 and doesn't seem to relate to her mother Morgan at all. She is devastated with a tragic loss and thinks the her world is completely done for. With the help of her new love interest Miller she learns that maybe she's more similar to her mom than she ever thought.
This book was absolutely gripping and tragic but in the end made me so happy!
Another story, not of the typical crazy-twisted Hoover type, that is sweet,but still unpredictable and full of surprises. Miller is my favorite character,and Jonah is a close second.
I was hooked from the very beginning. CoHo does a great job of drawing you in and making you want more. You never want to put the book down because you just have to know what happens. This book will make you go through all the emotions. Honestly, I don't know how anyone could get through what these characters go through. I was constantly questioning the decisions of the characters because they were making some questionable decisions, but I guess we all grieve differently. Another great book from CoHo but November 9 is still my favorite.