Average rating4
I don't think I really get this one, or may it's the gothic genre I don't really get. I'm torn between not rating this book on account of me possibly being the wrong audience or giving a neutral 2.5, so as per usual in this kind of situation I will go the no rating route.
I enjoyed that the story was told in interconnected stories and the air of nostalgia that wafted through the story but in general I wasn't invested or engaged with anything that happened.
This came out of nowhere. All eleven tales intersect to form an insane, macabre little world where murder lurks around every corner. It may not be as ambitious as Cloud Atlas, but the stories are connected in much more subtle and skillful ways. At 162 pages, it's a short ride, but it's thrilling and mortifying in a great way. Recommended for horror fans.
Ogawa does something unique in this collection that I don't want to mention because it might be a bit of a spoiler. I respected it, but overall I didn't love this collection because only a few of the 11 stories elicited any emotion out of me. The others had left me confused about the author's intentions and at the end of them I've just thought, “okay, that was a short story I guess.” There's some creepiness, but with a title like “Revenge” I thought I was going to get a lot more from this.
first of all i wouldn't call that horror, it's more of a slightly weird literary fiction story?? i liked how all the stories intertwine, it was fun unraveling it all. the writting is a bit dry, it gets boring at times and overall i just expected something else from this