Average rating3.8
I'm not sure what to rate this. The sparse writing style and the uncomplicated plot are clearly a product of the target audience, so with that in mind, it's really not bad. Thomas is annoying (a common flaw in books of this kind), but otherwise I really like the plot and worldbuilding. The drawings are a definite highlight.
A boy being trained to deal with witches, ghosts, and similar things from the horror genre. The writing was okay, but YA and horror aren't my favorite categories.
Данное детище пера Джозефа Делейни сродни сказкам Братьев Гримм (первой и второй редакции), еще не отшлифованных и до реалистичности страшных. Каннибализм, злые ведьмы, не спешащие спасать мир во всем мире, а как раз таки наоборот, страшные домовые, соответствующая атмосфера в наличии.
Picked it up because a movie's coming out and I figured I'd read it before I (potentially) watched it. Having read it, I'll say it looks like the movie won't even be vaguely similar to the book.
Anyway: it was fine. The antagonists were not characters for the most part - more just abstract bad guys. But I did like some of the spookier writing. Not really a genre I care about, but it did give me the creeps a few times. Pretty formulaic; not a ton of world building at all - by which I mean I know next to nothing about the world they lived in. But not bad. Very quick. May pick up a sequel at some point.
This is one of the books Luke got for Christmas and which he wanted as a read-aloud book. This was a very well-written story, told in deceptively simple language. The atmosphere is very creepy and spooky. There are cool wood-cut illustrations at each chapter heading. Young Tom Ward is the protagonist, a seventh son of a seventh son, he's a natural to be apprenticed to the local Spook. The Spook is the one to go to when dealing with boggarts, witches, ghosts, and the like. This story was right on the cusp of maybe-a-little-too-creepy-for-an-8-year-old but my 8-year-old kept begging me to read more anyway. Though, on one or two occasions, had to be certain our hero wasn't going to die (he comes close). Both Luke and I really enjoyed this tale. We've already started book number 2 in the series for the next read-aloud book.