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Ride with Me

Ride with Me

2012 • 328 pages


Average rating4


I put this on my to-read shelf way back in 2014 and I have absolutely no memory of doing so or where I heard about this book - maybe a friend recommended it? Anyway. This was fine. The ending was really abrupt, or at least it seemed that way, because it ended at like 87% on my Kindle and the rest of the book was excerpts from other books by the same publisher, which was less than ideal.

I also wanted some sort of epilogue to make this feel more like an HEA than an HFN, though again that may have to do with my expectations of how much book was left being messed up by the other stuff crammed in at the back. It does seem a little bit rushed to go from not being able to stand the guy you're riding with to quitting your teaching job two weeks before school starts to continue riding cross-country with him and maybe starting a new business together? And maybe also getting married?

I'm being critical here, but I did enjoy the premise - I don't think I've ever read or even heard of a book being set on an endurance challenge like this before, and probably that's because my friends who have done stuff like this tell me you're way too exhausted by all the biking/hiking/etc. to even consider also having athletic sex with anyone. Suspension of disbelief for romance covers that, though, and also covers how Tom was apparently doing this 2400+ mile ride in stuff like cargo shorts and never had any chafing at all.

(2022 Summer Romance Bingo: bicycle.)

August 21, 2022Report this review