Cover 5

River Marked

River Marked


Average rating4.1

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

Here we have another tale of Mercy Thompson. River Marked started off a bit slower than the previous books, but with good reason. There was a fair amount of relationship development, but once that was out of the way the interesting bits began. The main focus of this book are the fae. Briggs has a great way of dividing up the encounters between the books so that we are not rehashing the same race as a focus. This time the water fae are at fault and we are allowed to learn more of Mercy's past in order for her to find a solution. I enjoyed learning about different walkers and Native American tradition. And I never tire listening to Mercy pick at Adam. She knows all the buttons to press and Briggs make sure the reader laughes at his expense.

December 27, 2015Report this review