Rum Pum Pum
2020 • 42 pages


33 books

Picture Books

Eat Your Rocks, Croc!: Dr. Glider's Advice for Troubled Animals, Volume 1
Little Green Donkey
Your Name is a Song
The Bad Mood and the Stick
A Gift for Amma: Market Day in India
My Rainbow
What Do They Do with All That Poo?


8 books


Little Green Donkey
Salma the Syrian Chef
The Best Worst Poet Ever
The Bad Seed
It's Not My Fault!
We Disagree
I Am Not a Chair!


468 books

Work With Kids

My New Teacher and Me!
They All Saw A Cat
There was an odd princess who swallowed a pea
Goodnight Moon
Not Norman
The Very Lonely Firefly