Average rating4.4
Sorry to the library security guard who walked behind me when the book was open on a very graphic sex scene and started walking faster
Beautiful artwork and colouring as always and the plot picked up compared to vol. 5
I love Saga even when it breaks my heart. The last couple issues have been painful ones, but this installment has a lot more positive and heart warming moments than others. Alanna and Marko remain amazing, little Hazel is growing up, and our cast of side characters keeps the everything turning upside down whenever you think you know what's going to happen. If you're already reading Saga, I don't have to convince you to pick up the next volume. If you're not reading Saga, you probably should start.
This series continues to be excellent, though maybe some of the wonder that a graphic novel could be this good has worn off a bit. I maybe found this volume a bit slower than the previous ones, but it still has that excellent blend of great story, interesting characters and (often) perverse humor than first endeared it to me.
Ms. Staples continues to be on the top of her game. I love her art, and she adds so much to the words and story that Mr. Vaughan is writing.
Love it
This story is just amazing. There are so many amazing characters and the world is awesome. I can't wait to get to volume 7
OK, once this whole series is over, I'm definitely going to have to re-read the whole thing close together because every time I pick up a new volume I'm like wait, what is going on? and I have to read Wikipedia summaries.
Still, once I got back into the groove I really enjoyed it.
uh...that's all, I guess I don't have anything deep to say about it
I still do not know for sure why I am so in love with this story, but I am. I finished this and almost burst out in anguish, “NO! Now I have to WAAAAIIIIT for volume 7. WAH!!!”
The most in-between feeling volume so far, felt like it was clearing things up from previous storylines and lining things up for the next batch.
Still fun, and if it was any other graphic novel I'd be very impressed, but thats the curse of raising the bar for yourselves.
Egads, stop being so awesome, will you? NO, DON'T STOP!!!
Prince Robot IV continuing to be amazing. Everything he says is awful and amazing. <3
This bizarre and wacky series once again proves to be more than just a surface mash up of science fiction and fantasy. It gets under your skin and plucks your heartstrings in unexpected ways. I always find myself tearing up or smiling like a ridiculous fool or nodding in agreement with the short bursts of thoughtful wisdom it can impart. All things that are very impressive in such a short amount of storytelling in a single volume of any graphic novel series! Truly there is nothing else like it and it continues to blow me away with the imaginative world building and characters that worm their way into your heart while cursing and fighting along the way.
Favourite quotes: “...but anyone who thinks one book has all the answers hasn't read enough books. Of the many things my first teacher taught me, that's the one that stuck.”
“Because death is F-ing predictable...but life has science experiments and free time and surprise naps and who knows what comes next?”