Salacious Park Avenue Prince
433 pages


Average rating3.5


Bumfuckery? Really? Really?! WHO SAYS THAT?

I loved the start of this, was meh on the middle and loved it again at the end.

“Fucking your stepbrother wasn’t on your to-do list?”

“Was it on yours?”


Travis is a menace but he had to be otherwise they'd have pussy footed around each other for decades so I give him a pass.

“So what is this, then?” Donovan asked. “Are you two a couple now, just without the title?” 

Daire snorted. “They have a title, it’s called brothers.”

I love that these guys always call it like it is(except that most times it really isn't like that but that just makes it funnier). Fatherfucker. Brotherfucker.


Am I the only one who finds it weird that Archer hangs out with these New Adults?

How old are these guys anyway? 4 books later and I'm still not entirely sure.

Anywhoo, I also liked that once Caleb flipped the switch, there was no waffling about.

Before he could even get the words out, I pushed back on him, taking him into my body where I needed him most. The shocked curse that fell from Travis’s lips made me even bolder. “I don’t want to stop. I want you to start.”

Well OKAYYYYY then, straight Caleb.

But also(I know, I know— pick a side!!) I also kinda hated how easily he flipped into being comfortable with the situation. Because you've been fighting this for years so what changed?

Kinda makes the miscommunication at the start pointless. Because all this angst for what?

These two weren't dealing with internalized homophobia, weren't scared of friends or family rejecting them. Just scared of the other not wanting them back (while covered in cum from the literal instance a few minutes prior where they (again, I must emphasize) QUITE LITERALLY wanted each other to the point of completion.

So I ask again. All this angst for what? Dramatic ass MFs.

June 30, 2024Report this review