Scattered Petals

Scattered Petals

2010 • 384 pages


Average rating4


What a beautiful cover this book has, and an appropriate one at that with beauty and sadness of expression. Scattered Petals is the sequel and second book in a trilogy starting with [b:Paper Roses 3776663 Paper Roses (Texas Dreams, #1) Amanda Cabot 3820700], yet could easily be appreciated on it's own merit as a stand alone. Bringing together two very different yet painful pasts God uses different characters to allow healing and hope for a future. This story gives a great deal of visual insight into the mind of a madman as well as a hint of depression and pain. Through out the pages healing is found in ways unexpected and love and happiness is entirely possible. This is a truly heart rending novel and every page fills you with the good and bad of life, all encompassing the will of God through out and especially in the end. I do recommend it. I look forward for the end of the trilogy in the spring of 2011 as well as other titles from author [a:Amanda Cabot 1609844 Amanda Cabot] to come. Thanks to Donna Hausler of Revell Books for providing a copy for review.

March 22, 2010Report this review