Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1: Scott's Precious Little Life

Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1: Scott's Precious Little Life

2004 • 168 pages


Average rating4.2


The plot: Scott Pilgrim is a 23-year-old guy who plays bass in a band called The Sex Bob-Ombs. He's also between jobs at the moment, but that's cool, because his roommate has lots of cool stuff he lets him borrow, and he's dating a high school girl named Knives Chau. All in all, his life seems like something slackers everywhere would try to emulate. But then he meets a cute delivery girl, and her cadre of evil ex-boyfriends, everything gets turned upside down.

I thought this was just a lovely read. The art is simple, but in a way that makes it universal and accessible, and the characters seem to have a great depth to them, even only several pages after they're first introduced. On top of that, it's funny, it's madly energetic, and at the same time, it's capable of great depth. If you've ever wanted to be in a band, or be a character from Street Fighter, (or, hell, if you've ever fallen madly in love with someone), this may just be the book for you.

March 31, 2008