Secret, don't tell

Secret, don't tell

Table of Contents

Page numbers listed refer to...
Carla Emery's Book "Secret, Don't Tell"


Dedication .....iii
This book Is For You .....iv
Thanks .....iv


Defining Unethical Hypnosis .....vii
History of Criminal Hypnosis .....viii
Secrecy and Denial .....viii
Information Control Is Mind
Control .....ix
Contents at a Glance .....x

Part I -Case Histories of Criminal Hypnosis

Svengali: Abusive Stage Hypnosis in Literature and Life

Svengali and Trilby .....1
Exploitation of Female Stage Mediums .....3
“Voodoo Death” on Stage .....4
Hypnotic Subject Killed on Stage .....4
Abusive Hypnosis in Literature .....5

Case History: “Z” Kantor .....6

Zebediah Kantor .....7
Adam Begins the Hypnosis .....7
Missing Time .....7
Exploitation .....8
Arrests and Jail .....10
Karl du Prel .....10
Trial .....11
Dr. Kroener Learns the Truth .....11
Kroener’s Book .....12
Post-War Events .....12

Case History: Mrs. E. .....13

The Day It Began .....14
Suggested Sickness, Suggested Healing .....15
Murder Suggestions .....16
How Intense Can Hallucinated Pain Be? .....16
Suicide Suggestions .....17
Mr. Evan Goes to the Police .....18
Mayer Cracks the Case .....18
Word Associations .....20
Bergen’s Assistant .....21
Mayer’s Book .....21
The Trial .....21

Case History: Palle Hardwick .....22

The Predator: Nielsen .....22

The Prey: Palle Hardwick .....22

Palle’s Childhood and Youth .....23
From HIPOCORPS to Capture .....23
Trial and Imprisonment .....23

Nielsen the “Guru” .....23

Palle Learns “Yoga” .....24
From Trance to Hypnosis .....24
Social Isolation .....25
Palle Accepts “X” As God .....25
Preparation for a “Mission” .....27

Palle Out of Prison .....27

An Arranged Marriage .....28
Training for Robbery .....29
Guru Failures .....29
First Bank Robbery .....30
Second Robbery and Murders .....31

Capture, Interrogation, Psych. Evaluation .....32

Interrogation .....32
Informers .....32
Psychiatric Evaluations .....33

Dr. Reiter Enters the Case .....34

Futile Attempts to Hypnotize
Palle .....34
Evipan Breaks the Seal .....34

Palle, the Somnambulist .....35

Training .....35
Transference .....35
Classical Conditioning .....36
Testing .....37

Somnambulist Palle Is Demonstrated .....37

Induction Cue, by Phone .....37
Hypnotist: "Artificially-Induced
Superego” .....37
Induction Cue, in Writing .....38
Amnesia and Posthypnotic
Suggestions .....38
A Criminal Suggestion .....38

Regressions .....39

Guarantee Truthful Regression .....39
Suggested Autobiography .....40

Trial Preliminaries .....40

Palle’s Dreams .....41
Psychological Reports, Grief .....43
Reiter Loses Hypno-Control .....45

Trial and Appeals .....47

Palle Teeters on the Brink .....49
“New Evidence” .....50
Psychological Assessments .....51
Nielsen Hits Again .....52
Appeal Denied .....52
Reiter’s Book .....53

Case History: Candy Jones 54

Childhood, Youth, and Career .....54

Candy Jones: Model .....55
Lieutenant Candy Jones .....56
A Telephone Induction .....56
Marriage, Money Problems .....57

CIA Recruits a Courier .....57

An Odd Burglary .....58
Mail Service .....58
A Favor for Donovan .....58
The Proposition .....59
Candy Signs Up .....59

Mind-Splitting Use for Imaginary Childhood Playmate .....60

The Hypnosis Begins .....61

Disguised Induction .....61
Induction Hardware .....62
Drug Inductions .....62

Candy’s Conditioning/Training .....62

Artificial Personality Split ...63
Induction Cues .....64
Isolation .....64
Telephone Induction .....65
Training a Hypno-Agent .....66
Courier in Action .....66

Torture and Shame Experiments .....67

Nice Treatment .....67
Torture .....68
Measurable Degrees of Agony .....68
Snake-in-the-Box Experiments .....69
Shame .....70
Demonstration at Langley .....71

Candy Fights Back .....71

Suicide Orders .....71
Better Wed Than Dead .....72
Arlene Begins to Appear .....73

John Hypnotizes Candy .....73

Arlene Spills the Beans .....74
John, Candy, and Arlene .....75
Dentists and Doctors .....76
John Battles Arlene .....77

Bain Writes Candy’s Story .....78

Publishing and Publicity .....78
Publicity Tour .....79
John, Candy, and Bain Are
Silenced .....80
Unquenchable Truth .....80

Part II - A Partial History of U.S. Government Mind-Control Research

U.S. Research on Hypnosis and Mind Control Begins .....81

The Personalities .....81

Donovan Organizes the OSS .....81

Clark Hull .....82
Lovell Hires On .....82

Estabrooks Promotes “Super-Spy” .....83

Unknowing Subjects .....83
Estabrooks Promotes Secrecy - and
Reveals Secrets .....84
Estabrooks, M.H. Erickson, and the FBI Experiment .....85
How to Program an Unknowing
Hypnotic Subject .....85
False Fronts .....86

Wiener Links Computer Research with
Neuroscience .....86

Cybernetics .....86

Military Mind-Control Research Begins .....87

Watkins Experiments 87

Conditioned Subject Doesn’t Resist
Induction .....87
Interrogation Use of Hypnosis .....87
A Military Offense Caused by Hypnosis .....88
Suggested Murder .....89

Brainwashing Research Begins .....89

Secret Agencies, Secret Research, Secret Operations .....90

OSS Ends and CIA Begins 91

CIA Mind-Control Research Projects 92

BLUEBIRD .....93
ARTICHOKE: CIA/Military Hypnosis
Research .....93
MKULTRA .....93
Who Led The Mind Control Race: Soviets or
U.S.? .....94

National Security Agency .....95

Largest, Wealthiest, and Most Powerful .....95

Turf Wars .....96
Of Secret Agencies and Investigative
Reporters .....96
Fastest and Most Secret .....97
Classified Documents .....97
A Mission to Eavesdrop .....98
Legal or Illegal .....98
Electronic Mindreading .....99

New Branch of Psychology: “Military Psychology” .....100

Mind-Control Research: Goals and Methods .....102

Terminal Experiments .....102

Where Terminal Research Was Done .....104
Cameron’s Patients .....105

CIA Settles w/ Canadian Nine 106

Medical Ethics .....106

Mind-Control Research Goals .....107

Disguised Induction .....107
Hypnotic Memory Training .....107
Hypnocouriers .....108
Sealing .....109
1950s CIA Hypnogoals, and Probable
Outcomes ......109

(1) Identify Hypnotically Susceptible
Personality .....109
(2) Which Mind Control Method for Each
Personality? .....110
(3) Time Needed to Establish Mind Control? ......110
(4) Is the Conditioning Permanent? ......110
(5) Can the Conditioning Be Reversed? .....110
(6) What Could Go Wrong During the
Conditioning? .....110
(7) How Complete Will the Control Be? .....111
(8) Can Complex Conduct Be
Hypnocontrolled? .....111
(9) Are Personality Changes Caused By
Hypnotic Suggestion Detectable? ....111
(10)Can Preconditioning Be Detected? .111
(11) Can a Preconditioned Subject Be
Reprogrammed? .....111
(12) Can We Reprogram a Reprogrammed
Hypnoprogrammed Person? .....112
(13) Perfect Amnesia? ......112

Personality Restructuring .....112

Research on Personality Restructuring .....113
Hypno-conversions .....113

Physical Methods of Psychiatry .....115

Amnesia Research .....116

Hypnoprogramming Uses for Amnesia .....116

Broken Feedback Circuit .....116
Secret Will Rule .....116
One-Way Amnesia .....116

Narcohypnosis 117

Hyperventilation .....117
Barbiturates .....117

Police Use of Barbiturates .....118
Research on Narcohypnosis .....118
Barbiturate Plus Stimulant .....119
Project CHATTER .....119

Barbiturate Forces Induction? .....119

Back in the Real World .....119

A Summary of Mind-Control Uses of
Barbiturate .....120
1) Amnesia .....120
2) Immobilization .....120
3) Forced Trance Induction .....121
4) Opportunity to Carry Out
Hypnosis Training .....121
5) Speed of Induction .....121
6) Depth-Conditioning .....121
7) Rapport .....121
8) Suggestibility .....121
9) Addiction .....122
Rohypnol .....122

Electroshock .....123

Shock to Increase Suggestibility .....123

CIA Researches Using Shock to Increase
Suggestibility .....123
Tien Shocks Bad Wife into Good Wife .....124

Shock to Cause Retroactive Amnesia .....126

CIA Research on Using Shock to Cause
Amnesia .....126

Three Stages of ECT Amnesia .....126

First Stage .....126
Second Stage .....126
Third Stage ......126

Regressive Shock .....127

Post-Shock Recovery .....127

Shock to Cause “Calm” .....127

The History of Deliberate Personality Splitting ......128

The “Dual I” .....128
CIA Researches Subconscious Isolation .....130

History of Research on Artificial Neurosis .....130

Pavlov Applies Freud .....130
Luria Researches Artificial Neurosis .....131

Failed Conditioning Method .....131
Success .....131

Artificial Neurosis Comes to the U.S. .....132

Focus Shifts to Child, Real or Suggested .....133

Freudian Hypnosis Researchers .....133
Natural Development of Multiple Personality .....135
The Controllable Child .....136

Dependence .....136
Does Not Clearly Distinguish Fantasy from
Reality .....136
Accepts Logical Inconsistencies .....136
Obedience ......136
Natural Amnesia ......136
Assumption That Might Makes Right .....136
Greater Imprinting Capacity .....136

Hypnochild Given Artificial Neurosis .....136

Brickner’s Technique, Summarized .....137

Operation Often: A Case History .....138

Long-Term Operator-Subject Relations .....139
Complete, Helpless Obedience .....139
Combined Technologies .....139

Induction, Disorientation, and Reorientation .....140

First Induction .....140
Disorientation .....141
Reorientation As Fish .....141

Capacity Regression .....141
Training for “Can’t Come Up” .....142
Little Girl .....143

Deprivation/Partial Restoration Technique .....143

Sex Conditioning: A Pseudo-Oedipal Stage .....143

Types and Degrees of Suggested Physiological
Arousal .....144
Masochism Suggestions .....144
An Oedipal Experience .....145

Limbic/Emotional Programming .....146

Limbic Anatomy .....146
Limbic Function .....146

Maximized Drive to Remember Conditioning .147
Maximized Drive to Repress Conditioning .....147
Maximized Dominance over Competing
Programming .....147

SO ASHAMED: Guilt Training .....148

Hilgard’s Type One and Type Two Hypnotic
Amnesias .....148

DON’T REMEMBER: Amnesia Resolves Drive
Conflict .....149

Amnesia Results in Split Personality .....149
Communication Rules ....151

Military Limbic Hypnoprogramming .....150

Operation Mind Control .....150
Project Monarch .....151

Obedience Training .....152

Aversive Conditioning ......152

Classic Pavlovian Conditioning .....152

Artificial Superego: Rules .....152

Electroconvulsive Shock .....153

Electroshock in Military Hypnoprogramming .....154

Psychic Driving .....154

Cue Statement: a Dynamic Implant .....155

Grateful for Her “Cure” .....156
Proud to Be a Good One .....156

Cover Personality .....156
Interlocking Amnesias .....156
Shifting the Rapport .....157
Language: Backwards and Too Soft to Hear .....158

Information, Interviews, and Incidents .....159

John Marks Uncovers Secrets, Then Hides Them Again .....159

Marks Files FOIA Request .....160

Bumbling, Ineptitude, and Failure? ......160
The Big Lie .....161

A Brief, Strange Phone Conversation .....162

“They Wouldn’t Hesitate to Kill You” .....162

“Joe”: A Case History .....163

Trouble Remembering Names and Faces
(Prosopagnosia) .....163
Driving Dogs “Crazy” .....164
Difficult Civilian Adjustment .....164

Joe Gives a Warning .....165
R.J. Thinks They Killed His Author-Friend .....165

Of Patsies and Assassins .....166

Lee Harvey Oswald .....168
Jack Rudy .....168
Sirhan Sirhan .....169

Mind-to-Mind Trance Inductions .....171

Friend Tries a Hit .....171
A Pattern Emerges .....173
History of a Psychic .....173
Psychic Research .....174

Cold War Psychic Research .....174
ESP Is a Trance Phenomenon .....175

Teacher from the Psychic Institute .....177

Psychiatry Is No Longer a Joke .....180

“A” Was Not Available .....180
“B” Is for Background .....180
“C” Is for Counterintelligence .....181
“D” Is for Dangerous .....181
Analysis of a Hit .....183

1. Thought Projection .....184
2. Imperceptible Induction Pressure .....185
3. Confusing Routine of Hand Pressures .....185
4. Erotic Signal .....185
5. Forced Articulation of Pre-Speech
Thought .....185
6. Brainprint .....188
7. Mind-reading .....188

Of Biochips and Cyborgs .....189
Musings .....190

Part III - Trance Phenomena

Trance as a Personal Experience .....193

Trance: The Subjective Experience .....195

Light Trance, Deep Trance, or Hypnosis? .....195

Natural Trance .....196

Light Trance .....196
Deep Trance .....197

“Hypnosis” Defined .....198
Trance Training .....199

Hypnosis? or Just Advertising? .....200

Advertising to the Unconscious .....201

Media Can Displace Reality .....201

Television and Children .....202

HDTV .....203

Subliminals .....203

Visual Subliminals .....203
Audio Subliminals .....203
A Subliminal Sales Event .....204

Ten Important Hypnotic Phenomena .....205

1) Suggestion .....206

Suggestion Targets Automatic Obedience .....206
Direct vs. Indirect Suggestions .....206

2) Rapport .....206

Rapport As a Focus on the Hypnotist’s Voice .....206
Rapport as Love .....206
Rapport as Addiction .....206
Rapport as Bonding .....208

Rapport Also Impacts the Hypnotist .....208
The Freudian View of Rapport .....208

3) Automatism .....208

Suggestion Intends Automatic Obedience .....208

Words as Conditioned Stimuli .....209
Hypnotic Conditioning .....209

Unconscious Reflex Dominance Attributes ..... 210

1) Chronological Sequence .....210
2) Emotional Intensity .....210
3) Depth .....210
4) Strength of Drive .....210
5) Repetition .....210
6) Amnesia .....210

Habit .....210
Simultaneous Automatic and Conscious
Behavior .....211
Conversion .....211

4) Catalepsy .....213

Suggested Catalepsy .....213
Catalepsy to Test Trance Depth and
to Deepen It .....214

Deep Trance Catalepsy .....214
Catalepsy vs. Catatonia .....214
“Bridge” Phenomenon .....214

5) Hallucination .....215

Normal and Abnormal Hallucinations .....215
Interview with an Ex-hypnotist .....216
Positive Hallucination .....217
Negative Hallucination .....217

6) Anesthesia .....217

Anesthesia Reveals Trance Depth .....218
Anesthesia in Stage Demonstrations .....218

7) Posthypnotic Suggestion .....219

Posthypnotic Action Revives Trance .....219
Posthypnotic Suggestion Lasts .....219

Unremoved Suggestions Remain Active
Posthypnotically .....220

The Possible Variety of Posthypnotic Acts .....220
Rationalization .....221
The Cue .....222

Induction Cues .....222

Sealing .....223

A Peculiar Incident .....223
Protective Sealing .....224

Normal Long-Term Memory .....225

Stages of Remembering .....225
Independent, Parallel Memory Systems .....225
Neural Patterns of Lowered Resistance .....225
Diphasic Act of Remembering .....226

Retrieval .....226
Memories Are Associated and Can Be
Cued .....226

Views on Memory Validity Vary .....227

8) Amnesia .....227

Hypnotic Phenomena That Affect Memory .....228

Suggested Amnesia .....228
Confabulation .....228
Hypermnesia .....228
Regression .....228

General Categories of Amnesia .....229

Normal Forgetting .....229
Functional Amnesia .....229
Affective Amnesia .....229

Dissociation Amnesia .....229

Spontaneous Amnesias .....229
Suggested Amnesia .....230
Fugue .....230

Resistance to Remembering .....231
Testing Amnesia .....231
Artificial Multiple Personality .....232

Amnesia Blocks Your Feedback System .....232

9) Regression .....233

Meanings of “Regression” .....233
Three Types of Memory Regression .....234

Remembering .....234
Reenacting .....234
Revivification (Reliving) .....234

Regression Therapy .....234

The Cases of Lucie and Marie .....234
The Case of Mrs. S .....234
Case of the Asthmatic Man .....235

Regression: True or False? .....235

10)Confabulation .....236

Four Paths to False “Knowing” .....237

1) Rationalization .....237
2) False Memory Implanted by Suggestion .....237
3) Fabrication .....237
4) Confabulation .....237

Suggestibility Causes Confabulation .....237
It Feels True .....238

False Knowing, But Real Emotion .....238

Toleration of Confabulation .....238

1) Money .....238
2) Abreaction Therapy .....238
3) Legal Protection .....239
4) Return Business .....239
5) Reinforcing Group Belief .....239

“Incest Memories” .....239

Part IV - Induction Methods

Visit with a Stage Hypnotist .....241

Is Stage Hypnosis “Fakery”? .....246

First Inductions .....248

Readiness: the Pre-induction Stage .....248

Pre-induction Suggestions .....249

Disguised Inductions .....250

Avoiding the H Word .....250

“Just Relax” .....251
Disguised Induction by Imagery .....251
Conversational Induction .....252
Chaperone Induction ....252
Sleep Induction .....252

Fast, and Forced, Inductions .....253

The Actively Resisting Subject .....253
Conditioned Induction .....253

Forced Reinduction .....255
Length of Time in Trance .....255

Self-Hypnosis .....255

Bernheim and Coue Start It .....256

Nancy School Therapy Principles .....256

Biofeedback .....256

Susceptibility .....258

Screening for Susceptibility .....258

An Anthropological View of Trance .....259
Genetic Susceptibility Spectrum .....259

Factors Associated with High Susceptibility .....259
Induction of Retarded and Psychotic .....262
Training for Susceptibility .....262
Self-defense for Susceptible Persons .....262

Depth .....263

Depth Training .....263

Training to Go Deeper .....263
Training to Maintain a Specified Depth .....264
Deepening Techniques .....264

Depth Scales .....265

Dissociation .....265
Number of Depth Stages .....265

Two Stages: Light and Somnambulist .....265
Three Stages: Slight, Deep, and
Somnambulist .....266
Stages Subdivided into Degrees .....266

Self-Report Scale .....266

Characteristics of Depth Stages .....267

Light .....267
Medium .....267
Deep (Somnambulist) .....267

“Catalepsy” vs. Somnambulism .....268

Waking Trance .....268
Coma .....269
Books on Trance Induction .....270

The Physiology of Trance .....271

Suggestion Causes Physiologic Changes .....271

Induction Physiology: The “Relaxation
Response” .....272

Physiological Effects of Induction .....272
Is “Relaxation” the Same as “Trance”? .....272

Brains Are Exciting! .....273

Brain Anatomy .....273
Reticular Activating System .....274

Biophysics .....274

EEG .....275

Can an EEG Detect Hypnosis? .....275
Trance Induction Observable on EEG .....275
Waking Hypnosis Not Discernible on EEG .....275

Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta .....276
The Hypnoid States: Alpha and Theta .....276

Alpha .....276
Theta .....277

Hypnagogic States .....277

Self-programming in Hypnagogic .....277

Addictive Aspects of Trance .....277
Radiated Inductions .....278
Current of Injury Reverses Polarity .....278
Neurons .....279

Chemical Communication .....279
Electrical Communication .....279

Direct Currents .....280

Trance Reverses Normal Polarity .....280

Options .....281
Pavlov’s Four Induction Types .....281

Type 1 Induction: Sensory Deprivation Shuts Down
the Analyzer .....282

Sensory Deprivation Experiments .....283

Hypnotic Chambers .....284

Randall N. Baer .....285

Deprivation and Concentration Inductions .....285

Massage, and Mesmeric “Passes” .....286
Relaxation .....286

Progressive Relaxation .....286

Repetition .....287
Type 1 Induction Machines .....288

Hypnodiscs .....288
Recorded Inductions .....288

Mind Blanking .....289
Eyes Have a Role in Induction .....290

Eye Focus .....290
Eye Closure .....290

Obedience Conditioning .....290

“Pretend” Inductions .....291
Abstract Conditioning .....291
Discipline Conditioning .....292

Induction by Shift to Right Brain .....293

Visualization Induction .....293
Ideomotor Induction .....293
Dream Inductions .....294
Maternal/Paternal Induction Styles .....294

Type 2 Induction: Excitation Overwhelms the Analyzer .....295

Overwhelming Noise .....296
Confusion .....296
Emotional Shocks .....296

Emotion Inductions .....297

Fear .....298
Sex Inductions .....299
About the Tension Induction and Hyperalert
Trances .....299

Type 3 Induction: Brain Syndrome .....300

Combining Induction Types .....301

Type 4 Induction: Chemical, Electrical, and Biomagnetic
(“Psychic”) ....302

Induction Machines .....303
Flashing Lights .....304

The Magic Chair .....304

Part V - Legal & Therapy Issues in Abusive Hypnosis

Interview with a Hypnotist-Lawyer .....305

U.S. Legal Cases Involving Hypnosis .....308
“I Want to Stop Now” .....309

More Cases of Criminal Hypnosis: Tried and Untried .....310

Criminal Hypnosis: Court Cases .....310

The Case of Spurgeon Young .....310
Austin v. Barker .....311

Other Cases of Sexual Violation in
Hypnosis .....311

Louis v. State .....312
The Sala Affair .....312
People v. Leyra .....312
State v. Levitt .....313
Johnson v. State .....313
Mirowitz v. State .....313
J. Hartland’s Report .....314
Regina v. Palmer .....314
United States v. Springston .....315

Criminal Hypnosis: Out-of-Court Cases .....315

Newspaper Reports .....316
Bad Outcomes of Hypnosis .....316
Kline’s Cases .....317
You Must Be Dreaming .....319
Why Not Seek Relief from Abusive
Hypnosis by Legal Means? .....320

Texts and Training in Forensic Hypnosis .....321

A Hypnotist’s View of Forensics .....321

National Guild of Hypnotists .....322
Who Has the Ethics Problem? ......322

Manuals of Forensic Hypnosis .....323

Teitlebaum: Facts Stated .....323
Scheflin and Opton: Facts Straddled .....324
Udolf: Facts Distorted .....325
Lawrence and Perry: Facts Denied .....326
Meyers: Textbook Myths .....327
Musings .....328

Hypnosis of Witnesses .....328

Basic Facts of Forensic Hypnosis .....329
Chowchilla Case .....329
Bryan .....330
Spiegel .....330
Kroger .....330
Howell .....330
Baranowski .....331

Public Spokesmen on Hypnosis: Truth, Half-Truths, and
Lies .....332

M. H. Erickson .....333

The Erickson Foundation .....333
Erickson on “Antisocial Hypnosis” .....334

Opposition to Erickson’s “Research” .....335
Results of the “Antisocial” Article .....336
M. H. Erickson Video .....337

Ericksonian Technology Applicable to Criminal
Hypnosis .....338

1) Ericksonian Disorientation .....338
2) Sensory Distortion .....338
3) Amnesia .....338
4) Artificial Neurosis .....339

Erickson on Regression .....39

T. X. Barber .....340

Medfield Money .....341
Barberisms .....341

The Skeptics: Sarbin and Spanos .....342

“The Skeptics” .....343
Sarbin .....343
Spanos .....343
The Not-So-Skeptical Inquirer .....343

Martin T. Orne .....344

Orne on “Antisocial” Hypnosis .....344
Guidelines for Investigative Hypnosis .....345
Musings .....346

Criminal Hypnosis Is Possible:Wells and Brenman, Salter
and Bowers, and Young .....347

Wells and Brenman .....347

R. W. Wells .....347
Margaret Brenman .....348

Salter and Bowers .....350

Salter .....350
Bowers .....350

Young .....351

Antisocial Uses of Hypnosis .....351
Techniques of Criminal Hypnosis .....352

1) Powerful and Primitive Unconscious .....352
2) Omnipotence by Identification .....352
3) Narcohypnotic Induction .....352
4) Minimizing Outside Reality, Changes in
Thought Mode .....352
5) Limiting of Subject’s Internal Input .....352
6) Suggested Hallucination .....352
7) Suggested Unbearable Pain .....352
8) Identification of Hypnotist with Parent .....352
9) Selective Amnesias .....352
10) Focus and Dissociation .....352
11) Artificially-Induced Complex .....353
12) Training for Automatism .....353
13) Reorganization of Psychic Life .....353
14) Capacity Regression .....353
15) Sidelining the Conscious Mind .....353
16) Suggested Neurotic and Psychotic States ..353
17) Assumption of Another’s Identity .....353
18) Gradual Conditioning .....354

Conclusion .....354

How to Identify a Victim of Unethical Hypnosis .....355

1. Report from Relatives or Other Observers .....357

The Posthypnotic Trance .....357

Posthypnotic Trance Proves Existence of Previous
Trance .....357
Posthypnotic Trance Defines Nature of Previous
Trance .....357
How to Identify a Posthypnotic Trance .....357

Slander, Lies, and “Paranoia” .....358

Slander .....58
Lies .....358
Paranoia .....358

2. Self Report .....360

a) Programming Error .....360
b) Context Clues .....360

Missing Time .....360
Recognized Hallucinations .....360
Inexplicable Behavior .....360
Illogical Observations .....336

c) Indignation Overload .....361
d) Feeling in Control .....361
e) Aging .....362

3. Revealing Induction Phenomena .....362

a) Unusually Susceptible .....362
b) Depth-limited and Regression-blocked .....362
c) Unusually Insusceptible .....363
d) Piggybacking ......363
e) Extraordinary Reaction to Onset of Trance .....363

4. Evidence from Projective Testing .....364

“Draw Nothing” .....364
Sealing May Affect Ability to See Illusion .....364
Walk Through Your “Land” .....364

5. Inhibition, Anxiety, or Somatic Reaction to “H” Topic ....365

a) Inhibition .....366
b) Anxiety .....366
c) Somatic Reaction .....366

6. Symptoms of Repression .....367

a) Blocking When Questioned .....367
b) Emotional Numbing .....367
c) Approach-Avoidance .....367
d) Spontaneous Eruptions of Repressed Hypnotic
Memory .....367
e) Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress .....368

Phobias .....368

7. Social Isolation .....369

8. Memories: Absent, Inadequate, Or Too Perfect .....369

9. “Weakness” During, Fear of Control After .....370

Fear of Control .....370

10. Sleep Symptoms and Dream Clues .....370

Survivor Dreams .....370
Analyzing Dreams .....371
Survivor Confabulation .....373

The Manchurian Candidate: A Novel .....374

Yen Lo, Military Hypnotist .....374
Narcohypnotic Immersions and Conditioning .....374

Marco Figures It Out .....375

Afterthoughts .....375

Help and Healing .....376

Therapy Issues in Clinical Hypnosis .....376

A Hypnotic Predator Is in the Picture .....377

Screened Contacts .....377
To Flee, Or Not to Flee .....378

Who Can Help? .....378

The Easiest Cure .....378
Need to Tell .....379
Time Issues in Therapy .....380

Trance Time Moves Slowly .....380
Putting Together the Puzzle .....380

Money .....381
Therapy by an Amateur .....381
Therapy by a Professional .....381

Gender of Helper .....381
Training and Credentialing .....382
When Christians Seek Deliverance from Abusive
Hypnosis .....382
Client-directed Therapy .....383
Reporting Assaults .....383
Narcohypnosis .....383

Method to Overcome Amnesia: Healing, Freeing Image .....383

Remembering Eables Forgetting .....383
One Brain: Three Different Minds .....384

Limbic System .....384
Cerebrum .....384

Left Brain .....384
Right Brain .....384

Right-brain Symbolic Language .....385
Right-brain Parallel Memory .....385
The More Reliable Image .....385
The Inductive Image .....385
The Freer Image ..........385

Thinking with Images .....385

Image Generating .....386
Image Inspecting .....386
Image Manipulating .....386

The Image as a Hypnotherapy Tool .....386

Dealing with Frightening Images .....386
Covert Desensitization .....386
Emotion .....386
Guided Fantasy .....387

Help for the Healing Process .....387
Right-brained or Left-brained? .....387

Other Methods to Overcome Amnesia .....388

1) Persistent Questioning .....388

Possible Questions .....388
Leading Questions .....388

2) Ideomotor Techniques .....389

Chevruel’s Pendulum .....389
Automatic Writing .....389

3) Hypnagogic Crossover .....390
4) Association .....390
5) Guessing .....390
6) Recognition .....390
7) Regression under Rehypnotization .....391

State-dependent Learning .....391
Breaking a Seal .....392
Cognitive Dissonance .....392

8) Narcohypnosis .....392
Corroboration .....393

Therapy Techniques .....393

Hypnotherapy Class .....393

The Class .....393
Induction Training .....393
Amnesia Suggestion .....394

Ethical Issues .....394

Limiting Number of Sessions .....394

Tebbetts Hypnotherapy Techniques .....394

Correcting a Misprogramming .....394
Parts Therapy .....395

What John Did Not Understand About Candy’s
Therapy ....396
Wolberg’s Five-step Therapy .....397

a) Accept the Therapeutic Process .....397
b) Strengthen the Subject .....397
c) Bond .....397
d) Recover Repressed Feelings and Memories 398
e) Integrate .....398

Love and Respect .....398
Most Effective Worded Suggestions .....399
When to Stop Therapy .....400
Conclusion .....400

Part VI - Reference

A Brief History of Hypnosis 4000 BC to 1900 AD .....401

Ancient and Medieval Hypnosis ....401

Faith Healing Versus Scientific Theories .....402

Nettesheim .....402
Paracelsus .....402
Greatrakes and Bagnone .....402
Maxwell .....403
Gassner .....403

Mesmer .....403

Mesmer Testifies Against Gassner .....403
Suggested Crisis .....404
The Franklin Commission .....405

Top Secret: For the King’s Eyes Only .....405
Mesmer Loses Face .....406

Abbe Faria, Deleuze .....407

Marquis De Puysegur .....407

Puysegur and Race Discover Somnambulism .....408
Puysegur Defines Somnambulist Phenomena .....408
Puysegur Grapples with Moral Issues .....408
Contributions of Puysegur .....409

Liebeault, Bernheim, and the “Nancy School” .....409

Liebeault .....409
Bernheim .....410
Beaunis .....411
Liegeois .....411
Binet and Fere .....411
A Case of Suggested Theft .....412

Charcot and the Salpetriere Group .....413

Weird Science .....413

Lewd Desires .....414
The Case of Pauline .....415

Nancy vs. Salpetriere in Court .....415
Everybody Hypnotized Gabrielle .....416
Tourette .....417
Janet .....417
Across the Channel: Braid and Bramwell .....418

Pavlovian Vocabulary .....419

Complete Inhibition .....419
Cortex Inhibition .....419
Excitation-inhibition .....419
Irradiation-concentration .....419
Transmarginal Stimulation .....420
Hypnotic Phases .....420

State of Equalization (Equivalent Phase) .....421
Paradoxical Phase .....421
Ultraparadoxical Phase .....421

Positive Induction .....422
Negative Induction .....422
Progressive Inhibition of Cortical
Analyzers .....422

Brainwashing: The Technology .....423

Brainwashing’s Goal Is Conversion .....423
Methods of Brainwashing .....424
Three Stages of Brainwashing .....424

Stage One: Deconditioning .....424

Biderman’s List of Deconditioning Factors ......424

1) Isolation, Disorientation, and Loss of
Control .....424
2) Monopolization of Perception .....425
3) Exhaustion .....425
4) Threats .....425
5) Occasional Indulgences .....425
6) Subjugation .....425
7) Degradation, Omnipotence, Omniscience ...425
8) Enforcing Trivial Demands .....425

Lifton’s Brainwashing Analysis .....426

Stage Two: The Breaking Point .....426

Ultraparadoxical Stage .....426
Submission to and Positive Identification with
Enemy .....426

Compulsives Resist the Best .....427

Internalization of the Guilt for Breaking .....427

Self-loathing Measures Inmate’s Renewal .....428

Stage Three: Reconditioning .....428

Grateful for the Cure .....429
Musings .....429

Behaviorism and Government Ally .....430

History of Behaviorism .....430

The Philosophical Postulates of Behaviorism .....431

1) Unlimited Research .....431
2) Behavior Control .....432
3) Government Control of Science .....432
4) Government Control of Information .....432
5) Government Patents Its Research and May Seize
Civilian Reseach .....433
6) Managed Media .....434
Musings .....434
Musings on the Waco News .....435

Skinner on Behavior Control: The Rest of the Story .....435

Glossary .....437

Ability, Hypnotic .....437
Abreaction .....437
Addiction .....438
Affect .....438
Agent .....438
Altered State of Consciousness .....438
Amnestic .....438
Analysis .....438
Anchoring .....438
Antisocial Hypnosis .....438
Anxiety .....439
Association .....439
Automatism .....440
Aversive Conditioning .....440
Awake .....441

Behavior Shaping .....441
Behavior Therapy .....441
Block .....442
Brief Therapy .....442

Catatonic .....442
Clinical .....442
Cognitive Dissonance .....442
Conditioning .....442
Conscious Mind .....443
Contagion .....443
Context Clues .....443
Control .....443
Conversion .....444
Corroboration .....444
Cue .....444
Cybernetics .....444

Daydreaming .....444
Delirium .....444
Deprogramming .....444
Desensitization .....444
Disorientation .....445
Drive .....445

Ego .....445

Feedback .....445
Forensic Hypnosis .....445
Freudian Hypnotists .....445
Freudian Hypnosis Theory .....446
1) Need for Omnipotence .....446
2) Tendency to Love .....446

Hellstromism .....445
Hypermnesia .....445
Hypersuggestibility .....447
Hypno-analysis .....447
Hypnoidal State .....447
Hypnotherapy .....447
Hypnotist .....447
Hysterical Symptoms .....447

Ideomotor .....447

Learned Helplessness .....447
Learning Theory .....447
Libido .....448

Meditation .....448
Medium .....448

Neurosis .....448

Operant Conditioning .....448
Operator .....448

Posthypnotic Suggestion .....448
Primary Process .....449
Projection .....449
Psychoanalysis .....449
Pumper Command .....449

Rapport .....449
Rationalize .....450
Recovered Memory .....450
Reflex .....450
Repression .....450
Resistance 450
Role-playing .....450
Rorschach Test .....450

Seance .....451
Sensory Deprivation .....451
Shadow .....451
Somnambulist .....451
Stockholm Syndrome .....451
Subconscious .....452
Subject .....452
Subliminal .....452
Suggestion .....452
Symptom Removal .....452

Testing .....452
Therapy .....453
Token Economy .....453
Torture .....453
Tranceable .....453
Trance Logic .....453
Transference .....453
Transfer of Control .....453

Unconscious (16 Important Characteristics of Every Person’s
Unconscious) .....453

Visualization .....455

Wake Up .....455

Bibliography .....456

A Brief History of Information on Criminal Hypnosis .....456

Public Sources of Hypnosis Information .....457

Writings Cited in - Or Relevant to - This Book: A-Z .....458

Relevant Chronology: 1493 to Present .....479

Index .....491

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