Average rating3.2
Loved the 80s vibes and the general premise but for being such a short book it felt like a pain to pick it back up each time and it didn't explore some things like I wanted it to.
The beginning was fine but around the halfway point it got really weird. I think this would have worked better in a short story format.
Wonderful read for Christmas time!! This book was better than expected for a holiday horror story. Thoroughly had a good time.
Great potential, only partially realized. A young woman becomes a senior editor at a publishing house. Weird stuff happens.
The good:
-I enjoyed the conversational writing style and the meta concept of a horror book about a horror editor.
-I liked Lussi, the protagonist.
-The book has a creepy basement in it, and creepy basements are scary!
-Fun 80s references!
The not so good:
-I, more or less, figured out what was going on well before the end of the book.
-Some of the characters behaved in unbelievable ways and the plot was sometimes a bit too convenient.
Overall it's a fun Christmas horror book. It's worth a read if you're in the mood for a holiday horror book. 3.5 stars.
*2.5 stars. This was a promising setup, had some funny bits and a few moments that had me holding out hope, but overall it was too messy and just didn't work for me.
Tässä oli ihan mielenkiintoinen idea. Lussi pyrkii kuuluisaan mainostoimistoon töihin, ja pääseekin sinne hieman odottamattomalla tavalla. Kun hän saa salaiselta lahjanantajalta mystisen laatikon, alkaa outoja asioita tapahtua.
Tämä oli aika lyhyt kirja ja toisinaan tuntui, että siinä edettiin sekä hitaasti että nopeasti samaan aikaan. Osa hahmoista jäi mieleen, muttei ehkä tarpeeksi, että olisin oikeasti jaksanut välittää.
Stephen King mainittiin myös niin monta kertaa, etten jaksanut enää edes pysyä laskuissa mukana.
Loppujen lopuksi hieman ontto olo tästä kirjasta jäi.