Send Them a Farewell Gift for the Lost Time

Send Them a Farewell Gift for the Lost Time

2024 • 194 pages


Average rating2.5


Contains spoilers

From the tags to the cover art I was really hoping for something much, much more sad. Instead it's just above average with a dash of "I'm angry" and that's exactly how I like my manga apparently...

I really don't like that Naruse Tsukushi explained to the reader why he broke up with Toui, with very understanding and legitimate reasons only to layer say he doesn't know why he wants Toui to apologize??? They both are really good friends but not the best boyfriends to each other. On Toui's end he's taking advantage of Naruse's kindness and depends on him too much, though not on purpose. Naeuse felt under appreciated and taken advantage of so it's understandable why he'll break up. However, he also didn't try to communicate to Toui that this how he felt so it's just been fucking 3 chapters of running around in circles and then the end of chapter 4 just made me a little bit peeved.

Update: The above was written before chapter 4 and while I still stand by everything... Everything I yelled about got touched on in chapter 4 word for word but in a very 5/10 way. It could've been much more emotional leading up to the sex scene, but I guess I'm glad they did finally talked...

At least we got a really beautiful shot and the only thing that made me feel any emotion: 2 beautiful unnamed women getting married in chapter 3 page 26 🙏🏾.

May 24, 2024Report this review