September girls

September girls


Average rating1.8


This sounded like something I had to read myself, and boy, do I wish I hadn't.

My full review can be found at SFF Book Review. I don't have the wish or energy to post it here (and do all the reformatting and stuff).

Here's the really short version:

THE GOOD: The chapters in italics, told by the Girls.
THE BAD: Everything else. Misogyny, sexism, homophobes, a boring plot, douchebag characters, no romance, no mystery (!), and writing that ranges from okay to absolutely terrible!
THE VERDICT: A waste of time and money. An incredibly boring, pretentious story that spews hate for women on almost every page and does NOT examine it or make its protagonist grow. Fail.

RATING: 3/10 – Really bad.

July 23, 2013Report this review