Average rating4
I'm having trouble squaring the goodreads reviews with the book I just read, and I've concluded that speculative fiction has come a long way in the last decade. Seraphina, to me, is derivative of every high fantasy novel ever written, with a vaguely Middle Ages European setting with saints and whatnot and a Strong Female Main Character who has really no defining characteristics except her Dark Secret and her Cunning Intellect like...every other fantasy novel ever written in the 2010s. I found the novel poorly paced and all of the twists utterly predictable. It was fine overall. I think my ten year old who is young enough to have not read every fantasy novel ever written will enjoy it, but mostly for me, it helped remind me how amazing, diverse and creative the field is now, and I'm thrilled we're free of the 2010s.
Pros: brilliant world-building, interesting characters, interesting politics, thought provoking
For Parents: no swearing, minor suggestive content, a few kisses, some violence, nothing graphic
Seraphina has a secret to hide regarding her mother. Her distant father warns her to avoid calling attention to herself, but her love of music makes it hard for her, especially when she becomes the assistant to the court composer. It's a mere two weeks before the Treaty Eve festivities when the Ardmagar Comonot visits to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the peace pact between the Goredd nation and dragonkind. Not everyone is happy with the peace, especially since Prince Rufus recently died in a suspiciously draconic way. The Sons of St. Ogdo are stirring up the populace against the vile scurge even as members of the royal court make snide remarks behind the backs of the draconic embassy members. The depth of Seraphina's knowledge of dragons and her willingness to stand up for them in the face of prejudice, brings her to the attention of Prince Lucian Kiggs, Captain of the Queen's Guard, as more and more incidents occur. As the days count down both her secret and the peace pact are in danger.
This is a brilliant novel. The writing is top notch and the world-building excellent. It's a pseudo-European world, but one that remembers there are other nations with other peoples, many of whom travel and have political and economic ties to each other. The religion is obviously based on Catholicism, with a plethora of interesting saints (including St. Ogdo the dragon slayer). I loved that the politics around the peace weren't simple. The racism of humans to dragons and vice versa is covered (in multiple forms), as is the peace pact between the human nations that came about beforehand, which allowed the humans to present a united front to the dragons. I also liked that the book pointed out the uncertainty that people feel when forced to trust that their former enemy is trading in good faith.
The dragons are coldly logical, refusing to allow feelings to affect them. But when they take human form, they can have trouble dealing with the wash of emotions that come over them. Dragons that forget themselves face harsh punishments - the excision of those emotions and any memories that could revive them.
Seraphina is a wonderful character. She lies to protect herself, knowing that she's hurting herself by doing so. I loved that many of her lies are uncovered, forcing her to face the consequences of her actions and make difficult decisions based on them. Lucian's great, always asking questions and sometimes getting burned by the answers. Princess Glisselda was fun to read about, with her obvious intelligence and political savvy. It was refreshing to see a friendship develop between women that didn't involve any backbiting or gossip. I also loved Orma, who tries so hard to appear human but doesn't quite grasp all of the intricacies involved even as he often has to prove he has no emotional attachment to Seraphina.
The book has some great examples of how to stand up for yourself - and others - when facing bigotry. It isn't easy and Seraphina sometimes does the wrong thing, but it's great seeing examples of how to deal with bullying behaviour head on. It's equally good that it shows the potential backlash and consequences that standing up for something can elicit.
I personally found the jump between the prologue and the first chapter very confusing. The prologue shows Seraphina's birth, which made me think the book would progress through her life, but the first chapter jumps several years ahead, and you have to read a few chapters to understand how she got where she is now. Logically prologues tend to stand apart from the rest of the book so that was my failure of attention rather than a flaw in the text.
I loved this book. The characters felt so real and Seraphina's loneliness so heartbreaking that I cried several times while reading it. The mystery is a little on the slow side, but I found the world and happenings so fascinating that I didn't care. If you love fantasy, get this book.
I read this and listened to it. I loved getting a second look at Seraphina's early years after the understanding that comes with finishing the book.
The dragons are here, sure, but there is also politics, romance, and intrigue.
DNF at 39%.
Sometimes the truth has difficulty breaching the city walls of our beliefs. A lie, dressed in the correct livery, passes through more easily.
Well-crafted and -plotted, with impressive world building. However, it lacks in emotion, much like the dragons; feelings are told, but not shown so I never felt emotionally engaged in the story.
I loved this book! Seraphina is such a refreshing narrator and I was instantly drawn to her character. The world building and character development are top notch here. The dragons are very cool and original–and the plot was interesting. I guess my only complaint with this novel is the pacing. It starts off great, but then begins to drag during the middle. But honestly, it's not as bad as I'm making it sound and I hardly noticed because the characters were so engaging. I'm very excited to read the rest of this series–Book #2: [b:Shadow Scale 16085457 Shadow Scale (Seraphina, #2) Rachel Hartman https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1405355942s/16085457.jpg 21451371] should be out in March and I'm planning to pre-order it (that's how much I loved this book!). I cannot wait to see how Seraphina matures and learn more about this world (the saints are interesting and the politics are intriguing).5 out of 5 stars!!
This story is so very imaginative! I don't know where she ( Rachel Hartman) got all these creative ideas. This is a fun YA read I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.
Despite some minor problems, I really liked this book.
The main character is strong/sensible/troubled in the right measures, I do like the little romance and the way it ends, it's not a classic love triangle, it's more of a “friendship triangle” and everyone is so honorable about it.
I also like the way dragons are portrayed, they're quite original and refreshing.
Considering I was reading another book at the same time that dealt with a race with that doesn't have feelings like humans do, more and more I found that this was much better built and explored in Seraphina.
All in all, it's not best literature ever, it's kind of predictable, but if you go in for a nice easy, light read, it hits the mark.
I'd 100% recommend it for younger readers, and for older ones who want a break from epic fantasy or just want something lighter and fresher to relax the brain.
This was really REALLY good!!!! It was a little slow in the beginning, but it picked up quickly enough!!! Overall, a really good dragon story!!!
Really middle of the road for me. Decently-written, moderately interesting/original world while still being familiar enough to hit that fantasy itch, but never really hooked me. Kind of curious to see how the stuff set up in this book plays out, so I may pick up the next one, but not right away.
DNF fueled rant to follow. You have been warned.
Okay, so let me explain things. Earlier this year I started going through all my books that have been packed away, deciding which ones I want to keep, which ones I want to get rid of and which ones I need a reread of before deciding. This book easily falls into the latter category. It is a book that I know I tried to read once and marked it as DNF and moved on. However, it's something that has long been in my thoughts. Like, there are so many things that people say are in this book that makes it sound like it's for me, that I had to try again with it.
So I sat down with it and let me tell you, the prologue? Sucks. The first two lines in the book:
I remember being born.In fact, I remember a time before that.
No. Just no. That right there is enough to make me stop reading just about any book. So I figured that was probably what made me stop the first time. I figured I read something like six pages and just stopped. This time I forced my way through the prologue. The five page prologue that seemed three times that length and then took a breather. Set the book down and came back to it a day or two later so that I wouldn't feel such ire.
Didn't help.
I was treated to a reference to someone's ‘dark complexion.' Now, I have been told several times as a white person that is attempting to write and maybe even one day be a published author, do not call black or brown people ‘dark' skinned. I don't know. It bothered me because I've been told by people that it's not a good word to use and I understand why. Do with that what you will.
Now, in short order, I got ‘It wasn't his fault; he assumed I was a normal person, whose arm might be touched with impunity. ... Okay, first of all, I don't like being touched by people I don't know really well. Like, the only people I have zero problems touching me is my mom and my brother. I've been hugged by people that don't ask first and the majority of the time, I wish they hadn't have. So, for me, this is not only a breach of consent (because no one is owed touching with ‘impunity') but also me being told because I don't want random people touching me that I'm not ‘normal.'
Let me tell you, by this point, this book and I were on our last legs. But I pressed on. Only to be treated to an angry mob attacking a young dragon in their human form. I'm not even going to unpack this - and how I've heard it mentioned that this war has been over forty years and how this is all some allegory for racial tensions in our world and the fact that detractors of this book have brandished the word ‘Nazi' around.
To save my sanity, my ever shrinking time to read, my patience, and my own stress level, this is where I bow out.
Now, for numbers: I made it to page 21 before I gave up, removed my bookmark and prepare to shove this book in a box to sell to some poor, unsuspecting someone.
That all being said, imagine my shock (utter, severe amazement) that I made it to page 88 the first time around. I have no idea how I did, but, in truth, I've gotten a lot more impatient with books and my own personal problems with them in the four years it's been since I first tried this book.